Rudeness Unpunished

Here�s the story;

Over the weekend at CPAC, John Fund of the WSJ wandered into Blogger�s Corner and sat down at the private laptop of Adam Doverspa, RedState.Org blogger, and just started typing away.

Now, there is some speculation that Fund may have thought that the laptops were public access and not private property, but I�m pretty sure that after the short conversation with Doverspa, that misconception was cleared up.

Yet Fund continued typing for a good twenty minutes afterwards.

He then left, but came back for another bite at the apple on another blogger�s laptop.

While right-wing bloggers are scratching their heads wondering what was up Fund�s ass, left-wing bloggers are actually taking the lead in calling Fund a wanker and an assholewhich, in light of the story told, seems entirely appropriate, in my opinion.

Here is a lesson for all bloggers on both sides of the ailse:

Do not let the �real journalists� intimidate you.

If they are being rude and/or inconsiderate, make it your task to remind them that they are not our betters.

First step would have been to inform Fund that the laptop was not for public access.

If he apologizes tell him that he can continue to use the machine for $5 per minute, cash only.

Remember, the only difference between �real journalists� and bloggers in that most bloggers do not get paid to report. If they want to hold their incomes above our lack of same, make them pay a finders fee on equipment (that $5 per min is a quick $100 for Fund’s 20 minute session).

If he blows you off and/or comes back rudely, you remind him again he is trespassing on your private property, preferably with an explicative like �Ass Pirate� to get his attention.

If, once again, he does not apologize, the laptop gets closed on his apparently self-believed golden fingers.

Any further resistance is to be met with measured force.

You want an Instalanche? Get John Fund to attempt to assault you and then kick his ass.

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