Liberal Ideas Never Work

Oh Canada, with their excellent liberal thoughts that led to their firearms licensing and registration system never could have predicted something like this,

Criminals are renting guns for the weekend like some people rent movies, Ontario Attorney-General Michael Bryant said Tuesday.

Mr. Bryant said local and provincial law-enforcement officials tell him guns are being rented out for short periods of time, making it difficult for prosecutors to trace them.

Gee golly willakers, Bob and Doug! You mean that criminals will not respect your laws and even come up with schemes to foil even your best laid plans!?!

Those mean old criminals!

Add to that, the farcical �Ballistic Fingerprint System’ that is dying a slow death (hopefully) on the east coast.

Imagine, the liberal gun bigots supporting an evidence gathering system that would stand a good chance of imprisoning the wrong person if this type of thing happened in their jurisdiction.

Oh wait, I forgot, the left doesn�t care about controlling criminals, they only care about controlling guns.

Found @ Right Thinking

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