Idiots on Parade

Commies for al-Qiada are at it again!

March 19th, 2005. Global Day of Coordinated Actions on the 2nd Anniversary of the “Shock and Awe” Invasion of Iraq initiated by antiwar organizations worldwide including the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition in the United States

Local & Regional AntiWar Actions in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Fayetteville, New York, New Paltz, Chicago, Seattle, Minneapolis & in hundreds of other cities around the country and the world.

Here is the part that will have you falling out of your chair:

We will demand:
* Bring the Troops Home Now
* End Colonial Occupation from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti & Everywhere
* Stop the threats against Iran & Cuba
* Health Care, Education, Housing, and a Job at a Living Wage Must be a Right!

Now that I have might have your blood up, go here and read the list of states that have active International ANSWER chapters.

If you don�t count Washington DC they are only in 50% of the states. That is funny. They say they�re �interntaional�, but they can�t even count themselves as �national�.

Sadly, my state IS listed. I�ll have to fix that.

Found at FreeWillBlog

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4 Responses to Idiots on Parade

  1. Mad Mikey says:

    We have ANSWER chimps coming down from Los Angeles to whine here in San Diego.

    San Diego Protest Warrior will be there to greet them…..muaaahahahahahahahaaaa!![/evil laugh]

  2. Chris says:

    I see they have a march planed next month here in the great state of GA. Is paint balling these protesters considered “assualt”? I think that would be a ball. Pun intended.

  3. night heron says:

    Too bad we cat obtain somthing with a stink far worse then skunk,limburger cheese old dirty socks,sulpher,rotten eggs and the like we put it in paintballs and open fire on them and they,ll stink realy bad but we all know that these red skunks realy stink bad and well might i ad sewer gas and well what happens after you eat beans

  4. AnalogKid says:

    Good for you all in SD, Mikey.

    Sadly Chris, it is legally ‘assault’ to paintball someone. And yes, it would be a ball.

    Heron, I work for the local trash hauler. I can beat each and every one of those smells.

    Which aroma do you like best?

    1. 10 cu yds of crab guts that have sat in the sun for 8 hours at 85 degrees?


    2. 20cu yds of barnacles, scraped off the bottom of a freighter in dry dock and have also sat in the sun for a day or so?

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