AK’s SOTU Review

So I listened to the SOTU last night. Over all, not bad at all. Certainly not great, but not bad.

One thing I would like to ask is this, why was Social Security Reform a necessity when Clinton was President, but all of a sudden the Federal Ponzi Scheme is A-OK for ever and ever, according to the very same Democrats?

Including these people, who started ThereIsNoCrisis.Com

Just wondering.

After the SOTU I refrained from listening to the right-wing talk stations because I knew that they’d laud it (except for the amnesty that isn’t called amnsety part).

Instead, I listened to the hardest core left wing hate radio I could find. I wanted Full-On scorched earth looney radio. Not even Air Amerikkka radio would do, I wanted F*ckin A, BusHitler, Democratic Underground radio.

And I found it.

Aside from singing of high praises for the Dem rebuttal speech, there were plenty of “I Hate Bush More Than You Do” types proclaiming that the Thompson Twins song ‘Lies’ should have been played in the background throughout the speech.

You want to know how looney left these folks were?

They had Baghdad Jim McDermott on for followup commentary.

Ol Jimmy let out a good one when he proclaimed that any change to Social Security was ‘Drastic’ and ‘Dangerous’, and then in the next breath said that the nation’s healthcare system needed to be immediately legislated and transformed into a system like the one in Canada.

Is it me, or would any change that Bush does to SSI be less ‘dangerous’ and less ‘drastic’ than switching to a Socialized Medicine?

You have to wonder what Jimmy smokes in the evenings…..

I also heard a one-worlder proclaim that even though, when Social Security first began there were 12 workers paying in for every one person drawing, and now we have only three people paying in for every person who is drawing out, those three people are paying six times as much into the system, so there are actually 18 people paying into the system for each person drawing.

GO AHEAD, READ THAT AGAIN. It still doesn’t make any sense.

And they want me to trust them with my money?

I still agree with Frank J’s idea,

If instead of the government taking the money you were allowed to take it and shove it up your ass, you’d get a better return on the money and not be quite as pissed off.

Clinton SSI links found @ Right Thinking

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One Response to AK’s SOTU Review

  1. Kirk says:

    Here is my take on what JK was proposing for government health care and its costs.



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