A Damn Good Weekend for Reading

I say this because of three things I read over the weekend that you should read as well, if you haven�t already.

Ladies first is the tradition here at RNS and so I give you Da Goddess, who has a few words for a troll that I�m pretty sure could be extended to most of those on the left.

I’m tired of the bullshit.

Where were you? Where were the people who dress up in costumes and burn flags? Where were the hands that could have helped lift up the oppressed and guide them safely to their destinies – whatever they may be? Where?

I’ll tell you where you were.

You were standing on the streets here in the good ol’ United States of America. Safe from firing squads that the people in Afghanistan and Iraq would have had to face should they attempt the same. You’ll still be standing there next week, next month, next year. Because you refuse to accept reality.

And meanwhile, my friends and I were working to send REAL PEOPLE REAL MATERIALS to improve their existence. We came together to do good and to bring hope.

Found at Citizen Smash�s The Indepundit


Next up, Cicero at WindsOfChange has a few questions for the �liberals� and �progressives�

*What would have been the best, most legitimate way for Iraq to achieve democratic elections? Can it be applied to Burma, North Korea, Iran, and other dictatorships?

*If your answer to this question involves the UN, address the UN’s corruption with the Oil-for-Food scandal, sex slaves in the Congo, and the inability to prevent the Rwandan genocide. If the top dogs of the UN are profiteers for the containment of dictators like Saddam, and their representatives trafficking sex in the countries they purport to peace-keep, how can the UN be a legitimate force for democracy?

*Are tyrants defeated with soft power, or merely contained until they fade away? Is contained fascism simply the unstated and accepted cost of soft power? If it is, should Hitler have been opposed?

*What can corrupt soft power?

*Are there any circumstances where hard power is warranted?

*If the UN is too corrupt and impotent, and the US is too sovereign to represent the world, what organization would you propose instead?

*Would a ‘UN-D’ — a variation or branch of the United Nations, except the members are all democracies — be a better legitimizing force for democracy than either the United States or the current United Nations?

*If you had to wear a uniform and be put in harm’s way, but could choose the flag you fought for, which flag would it be: Your family crest; your town’s flag; your state’s flag; your country’s flag; your religion’s flag; the UN, NATO or EU flag; or an NGO flag. Why?

While the questions themselves are excellent, make sure to hit the comments section.


Last, but most certainly not least, I read the excerpts of an interview with Ted Nugent on the Bob & Tom radio show at Dangerous Logic. Ted just got back from doing a USO Tour in Iraq with Toby Keith

You should read it too. Or, if you prefer, go listen to the audio at Excelsior News.

Well, it was a glorious celebration, particularly as life is good, bad, and ugly. It was the greatest of good, and it was the most gut-wrenching of bad and ugly, but the irrefutable conclusion is that good must hammer relentlessly – and good is hammering relentlessly – to eliminate the bad and the ugly, and the spirit, the soul, the attitude, the piss and vinegar, the fire, the passion, the American Dream firestorm of every man and woman of the Armed Forces, everybody in the Army, the Marines, the Air Force, the Navy, the Coast Guard, the National Guard, the cavalry, everywhere we went, playing acoustic guitars in some hell zone of a tent outside of Fallujah, sharing C-130s and Chinook helicopters with flag-draped coffins, it was an intense – I believe – y’know, I’m a pretty intense guy anyhow, but I’ve never witnessed nor felt deep in my guts an intensity of confidence and certainty that was fortified there like never before in my life, that the whole world sucks but America sucks less, and the more America can get freedom and liberty and a hint of these glorious God-given rights that are guaranteed in our Constitution and our Declaration and our Bill of Rights – the more that we can bring that to people, the better chance they have of having a quality of life – most of them for the first time in their lives, so my spirit is soaring on eagle wings right now, and it’ll never come down because of that experience.


Both items found by Bill at the INDC Journal

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2 Responses to A Damn Good Weekend for Reading

  1. Da Goddess says:

    Thank you, kindly, for enjoying my letter to my little Communist.

    As for the questions raised about how elections could have been conducted differently (over at WOC) – the mention of the UN and their corruption will cause the Left to ask for independent verification of any supposed scandals. (I’m just saying)

    Personally, I think the elections in Iraq went pretty damn well. The turnout, despite the danger, is proof that the people want a say in their future. In fact, I wish we could get the same sort of interest here…you don’t suppose we have to resort to reverse psychology (don’t vote or else!) to get people interested, do you?

  2. AnalogKid says:

    Well Goddess, P Diddy said ‘Vote or Die’ and that didn’t work.

    I suppose all we have left is rev-psy.

    Either that or fines for not voting.

    But in all honesty, if they can’t do it themselves, they should stay home.

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