The Bookface.
I joined a local prepper meetup group a few months back, but last month the manager of the group decided he’d rather not deal with the meetup BS and let us all know he was switching the group’s public facade to the Bookface. Not wanting to drop out, I broke down and joined the Bookface, and this past week has shown me why I stayed away.
Mofos coming out of the woodwork, plus info overload, and it is all so easy because it comes to me. It makes regular blogging seem like work.
I didn’t even use my real name and people from years ago when I was locally infamous and had no intention of speaking to ever again pop up and ask “Hey, are the same Phil from (insert reference here)?” And even when I tell them no, it’s like they’ve alerted a couple other people it might be me and I get more messages.
I know that I’m the product in this scenario, which is why I put up a whole lot of music in the hopes that more people will hear it and like it and maybe get some extra funds going to the artists. So, to the people I’ve friended, that is what that is about. If you’re on the Bookface and I’ve not found/friended you yet and you wish to make that happen, you can find me at my name plus Kadath.
In the meantime, I’ll try to get back into the game here.
Putting your prepared friends, preps, and meetings info on BookFace is sort of like giving Uncle Sugar your password and lighting up the “raid me first!” sign. No, it’s not sort of like, it is the same as…
As if Boomershoot didn’t get you on enough lists as it was. 🙂
Of course, if enough people are preppers, they can’t lock us ALL up, can they?
Only the government and military should be preppers and survivalists. We’re supposed to survive on the largess of FEMA in case badshit happens.
I am still avoiding that hellish fever-swamp. From what I understand the danger and exposure risk lies not with you but with Other People who can’t shut-up.
Up-country here everybody is a prepper because lacking infrastructure not of your own making or responsibility, using a septic system and a on a well – you can’t live down a windy partially-paved road with no sidewalks without being noticeably independent. Absent AT&T a lot of cell coverage is pretty spotty and PG&E is only marginally effective in much of the County, for many folks the local propane-company is much more highly regarded and you only see kids locked-into “hand held devices” in the bigger towns where parental neglect flourishes..