It’s good to be in the majority

People are recognizing that they are their own best chance of staying safe.

A majority of Americans, 56%, believe that if more Americans carried concealed weapons after passing a criminal background check and training course, the country would be safer.

Most states have some sort of permitting process allowing the carrying of concealed weapons, but the requirements and procedures to carry weapons vary significantly by state. The Gallup question did not get into detail on specific requirements other than mentioning that the person with the concealed weapon would have to pass a criminal background check and training course.

I’m not really happy about the background check and training course requirements, but on the whole, it is a good sign.

The leftists can’t figure it out.

Among key subgroups, Democrats and those with postgraduate education are least likely to believe that more concealed weapons would make the U.S. safer. Republicans and gun owners are most likely to say it would make the nation safer. Younger Americans are more likely to choose the “safer” option than those aged 30 and above.

They read this paragraph and blame the lack of “free” government sponsored cradle-to-grave education for the results.

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