Police Just Can Not Handle Criticism

A few days ago, I found this article on Calibre Press, which is critical of Radley Balko.  I don’t recommend the article itself, but at the time, the commenters were having a field day taking the author’s arguments apart, and from what I saw, they were being generally very respectful of it (no name calling or trash talking, etc).

Today, all those comments are down the memory hole & comments are closed.  Totally their right to do so, but I find it telling.  Police & their supporters are not helping their case by silencing critics, ignoring criticism, or labeling critics as bad people.

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3 Responses to Police Just Can Not Handle Criticism

  1. Chris says:

    Balko is an idiot. I stopped following him when he said there is never a need to take up arms against either bad cops or government.

  2. Toastrider says:

    Idiot or not, he’s still right about the ‘rise of the warrior cop’.

  3. Chris,

    That is a pretty odd metric for determining an idiot. I mean, sure, Mike Vanderboegh can get away with such statements, but a journalist who tries hard to ride the edge between recognizing the civic utility of the police, while being openly critical of them when they go too far, & being taken seriously enough by others to have a hope of effecting non-violent change is someone who has to restrain talk of taking up arms against cops unless & until the soap & ballot boxes have failed.

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