With the help of evil

Anything is possible!

Koch High: How The Koch Brothers Are Buying Their Way Into The Minds Of Public School Students

In the spring of 2012, Spenser Johnson, a junior at Highland Park High School in Topeka, Kansas, was unpacking his acoustic bass before orchestra practice when a sign caught his eye. “Do you want to make money?” it asked.

The poster encouraged the predominantly poor students at Highland Park to enroll in a new, yearlong course that would provide lessons in basic economic principles and practical instruction on starting a business. Students would receive generous financial incentives including startup capital and scholarships after graduation. The course would begin that fall. Johnson eagerly signed up.

In some ways, the class looked like a typical high school business course, taught in a Highland Park classroom by a Highland Park teacher. But it was actually run by Youth Entrepreneurs, a nonprofit group created and funded primarily by Charles G. Koch, the billionaire chairman of Koch Industries.

The official mission of Youth Entrepreneurs is to provide kids with “business and entrepreneurial education and experiences that help them prosper and become contributing members of society.” The underlying goal of the program, however, is to impart Koch’s radical free-market ideology to teenagers. In the last school year, the class reached more than 1,000 students across Kansas and Missouri.

Lesson plans and class materials obtained by The Huffington Post make the course’s message clear: The minimum wage hurts workers and slows economic growth. Low taxes and less regulation allow people to prosper. Public assistance harms the poor. Government, in short, is the enemy of liberty.

These are all things that the students would learn within the first year or so of being the owners of a small business. The program is just lettign them know of them ahead of time.

Also, I seriously doubt that the “lesson plans and class materials” actually say these self-evident truths explicitly. But I do not doubt one iota that they do talk about regulations and small business taxes, which anyone who writes for the HuffPo would probably equate to saying the government is the enemy of liberty.

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One Response to With the help of evil

  1. Paul B says:

    Government IS the enemy of Liberty. It is a given. If we had liberty we would not pay anymore taxes that we absolutely had to. As it stands now I will not even argue mistakes in my favor as I do not want the IRS to even think of me.

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