So much hope. So little time left.

If you like your healthcare plan, and it is run by the government…

You should have known you’d be screwed.

Obamacare cuts home healthcare for millions of seniors

President Obama’s mendacious political promise, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” continues to cast a long and disturbing shadow of doubt and confusion over millions of Americans who have lost coverage as a result of Obamacare. As 2014 unfolds, the most vulnerable senior citizens — those who receive home health care services — are about to learn they are out of luck. Obamacare opens a trap door under them, leaving this elderly population in freefall — with many citizens losing access to home health care.

Add another compelling reason to reverse Obamacare. Whether by accident or intention, the “Affordable Care Act” empirically strips America’s oldest and poorest cohort, all part of the World War II generation, of this basic coverage. Here is how.

On Jan. 1, Medicare’s home health care services, formerly serving 3.5 million elderly beneficiaries across the country, were cut under Obamacare. The cut deleted exactly 14 percent, or an estimated $22 billion, from these lowest-income Americans over four years. News of the forthcoming cut only trickled out the Friday before Thanksgiving, yet another stunning attempt by the Obama White House to reduce Medicare benefits without attracting notice.

Guess what? We noticed. This cut does irreparable damage to recipients of Medicare’s home health care services, those who are aged, homebound and sicker than the average Medicare population. Indeed, nearly two-thirds of Medicare home health care users live at or below the federal poverty level, meaning they are the most economically compromised of America’s precious senior citizens.

Off to the old folks home with you. You’ll share a room with someone you’ve never met and only get to see your family during government mandated visiting hours.

Enjoy! And thanks for voting Democrat.

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2 Responses to So much hope. So little time left.

  1. Merle says:

    Makes me wonder if the Gray Panthers still exist.


  2. Mom says:

    Except more and more old folks homes are cutting way back on the number of Medicare patients they will take. If you have lots and lots of $$$$$$ and enjoy living life in an assisted resort atmosphere – your in – otherwise this old(er) lady’s advise is to be extremely nice to your kids !

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