This could get ugly

Found on the internet.


However, with most hospitals and care centers declining most of the exchanges, even if this is a fake, the real ones will be popping up soon.

I’m thinking it may look something like this


My own Primary Care Frau Doktor has has a sign up for Medicare and Medicaid patients up for over a year.

Yes, Frau Doktor and I talk about her security. No, we don’t talk specifics. Yes, she is thinking of going to concierge-type service.

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2 Responses to This could get ugly

  1. Rolf says:

    A guy I went to college with went on to become a doctor. He went on to be a country doc, serving in rural places, just the sort of under served places that so many politicians keep saying we need more docs. He was a general practitioner. A lot of his patients were poor – medicare and medicaid, uninsured bargaining for cash, or even chickens (farming community). He finally sold his practice and quit medicine just this year, because he could make more money bee farming, trucking his hives around to orchards and crops in need of pollination, and selling the honey.
    Think about that. An in-demand field of medicine that the FedGov insurance programs destroyed by making it so uneconomical that he can make more as a farmer. And ObamaCare is pushing millions more onto that same system that is rife with fraud and abuse. Oh, yeah, that’s going to work out really well, I’m sure.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    This could go apocalyptic, very fast. If only 10% of family-medicine MDs quit, it will be bedlam. If 20% quit, there will be chaos. That chaos might be alleviated in the short run by applying the British scheme: downgrading provider positions to PAs or Nurses, but the whole institution of medical care then slides down a slippery slope.

    “Standard of Care” as a legal barrier to the professional downgrades is formidable. I can’t see liberal Government slashing that legal precept much.

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