Pulling the Lever Again

Spent Thursday at the range testing the “new” loads. It was supposed to be a nice, dry, sunny day. And it was. In the afternoon. In the morning, well, this was all you could see of the 75 yard line. Needless to say, I was working further than that.


(clicken to embiggen all pics)

But with a chin up attitude, shit still got done.

We’ll start with the .22-250


I was trying for fast, but it went all Motorhead on me.

According to the Benchrest vets who also decided that the day after Christmas was a good day for the range, a long boat-tail 55gr projectile going nearly 3800fps cannot be stabilized with a 1-14 twist. So I’ll be trying another batch of loads going around 3600fps starting at 34.1-34.3-34.5-34.7 and 34.9.

As for the .308, we got results


If I could shoot better through the fog, the two higher grain loads on the right target and the three lower grain loads on the left target would be tighter. The right target was during the thickening fog and the left target was after I took a 30 minute “fog break”. I didn’t have all day and pushed the boundaries of how well I could see a one inch white circle in a two inch red square.

Nonetheless, I’ll be making up a batch of 50 starting at 43.6-43.7-43.8-43.9 and 44.0 and hitting the range once more later this week. It should yield my “best result” with IMR 4064.

But for all his hard work


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One Response to Pulling the Lever Again

  1. Dave "Heartless Libertarian" Lange says:

    That’s the range in Renton, right? It looks like it, although I don’t recall the benches being green.

    My father in law shoots there. We usually manage a trip when I come back to WA for a visit.

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