Oh look!

A lead brick.

Hagel Says Cuts to Pay and Benefits are Needed

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned Tuesday that troops and their families will be asked to sacrifice on pay and benefits to preserve readiness in an era of tighter budgets.

Hagel listed politically-charged changes to compensation and personnel policy as one of his top six priorities in reforming the military following the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as the department gears up to meet new challenges.

“This may be the most difficult” to achieve among his six priorities, Hagel said of proposals to trim pay increases, overhaul TRICARE and review retirement benefits while adapting to cuts in personnel.

I know that I heard a policy speech when I watched the President at Arlington yesterday. Oddly, none of this was in that speech.

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4 Responses to Oh look!

  1. Merle says:

    Yeah, let’s start by cutting Hagel’s pay!!!!


  2. Sulaco says:

    And put the idiot Marxist Bast^%^& (Hagel) on Tricare for life!! Actions like this will REALLY interfere with O using the military to “keep order” in the future, at least at the enlisted level. With his replacing over 200 Flag and command level officers with basicly political appointees that owe O everything in the last two years the Officer ranks are now rather iffy for the rest of us.

  3. Rolf says:

    I’d accept a military pay rate cut IFF there is also an across-the-board government employee pay cut of similar or larger percentage, elimination of bonuses for civilian employees, and an across-the-board raising of retirement ages, and well as a “double-dipping penalty” for people trying to collect multiple government pensions (such as 20 year regular military, then 20 year reserves while doing 20 years in civilian government employment, then retiring at 60 with three full government pensions).

  4. MichigammeDave says:

    And IFF there is also a cut for legislators and their staffers, plus recission of their Obamacare waivers.

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