Some people hate a winner

This Librarian is going about this entirely wrong

Tyler Weaver calls himself “the king of the reading club” at Hudson Falls Public Library. But now it seems Hudson Falls Public Library Director Marie Gandron wants to end his reign and have him dethroned.

The 9-year-old boy, who will be starting fifth grade next month, won the six-week-long “Dig into Reading” event by completing 63 books from June 24 to Aug. 3, averaging more than 10 a week.

He has consistently been the top reader since kindergarten, devouring a total of 373 books over the five contests, according to his mother, Katie.

“It feels great,” said Tyler, an intermediate scholar student at Hudson Falls School. “I think that was actually a record-breaking streak.”

His younger brother, Jonathan, 7, won second place two years in a row now, completing more than 40 books this time.


Gandron further told the reporter she planned to change the rules of the contest so that instead of giving prizes to the children who read the most books, she would draw names out of a hat and declare winners that way. She said she can’t now because Katie has come forward to the newspaper.

This kid dominates the contest? How? Is he taking all the books? Why can’t the other children muster the ambition to keep up? And who really cares if some of the other children get discouraged? Their parents should be reminding them that there are other favorable consequences to competing other than winning.

There are at least a dozen other ways the Librarian could go about this. Why can’t she ask Tyler to help promote the contest? Hell, it would probably take up some of his available reading time.

But no. She has to murder a child’s joy because it makes her uncomfortable to keep handing out awards based on merit. Because reading is not a skill that should be encouraged in the Obamanation.

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3 Responses to Some people hate a winner

  1. emdfl says:

    typical lib solution to “It’s not fair!!!!!”.

  2. NotClauswitz says:

    It would never happen UNLESS his name was “Weaver” – certainly not if it was Gupta or Singh or Wang or Hu.

  3. Mugwug says:

    Yay! We all win.

    Honestly, why should a contest involve work – everyone should get a prize just for taking part, chosing a “winner” based on merit is just unfair.

    It’d be funny if they weren’t actually serious about this nonsense.

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