She will never understand

MSNBC twat who believes that children should be considered community property, Melissa Harris-Perry, just can’t figure out that keeping her mouth shut might make her seem more intelligent.

Speaking on her weekend show, Harris-Perry said she thought the spot had been “relatively benign,” and was surprised by the reaction it got. She assured viewers that she did not intend to steal their children from them. But she stood by her statement.

“I believe our children are not our private property,” she said. “They are not just extensions of ourselves.”

Then, Harris-Perry explained why she thought she had caused such a ruckus. She said the fight over the ad was, at its core, the same argument the left and the right have been having for centuries.

“This isn’t about me wanting to take your kids,” she said. “This is about whether we as a society, expressing our collective will through our public institutions, including our government, have a right to impinge on individual freedoms in order to advance a common good. And that is exactly the fight that we have been having for a couple hundred years.”

Ahh, the “common good” theme. She believes that her idea is reasonable enough to restrict your rights so that she can have her utopia.

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7 Responses to She will never understand

  1. dfwmtx says:

    “This is about whether we as a society, expressing our collective will through our public institutions, including our government, have a right to impinge on individual freedoms in order to advance a common good.”

    This kind of thinking can be seen in Saudi Arabia presently. For the good of Saudi society and those poor, weak Saudi men who cannot control themselves at the sight of a woman, the Saudi-state aparatus through its moral police once impinged on the right of individual girls not to die when their school caught fire by sending them back into the building to get their body coverings. And the girls died in a fire. But at least no Saudi men were exposed to the indecency of seeing immodest women.

    The lady who said this would be screaming about protecting individual rights if the society she lived in were some Christo-fascist regime which outlawed abortion or kept women housebound.

  2. emdfl says:

    We don’t want to take your kids; I mean we do, but we don’t want you to know we do…
    Maybe she and the rest of her ilk could start by taking all those fatherless kids( HA!! little animals is more like it) in the Chi/Detroit/St. Louis/other lib hell-hole, gettos?

  3. Mollbot says:

    She is welcome to come and attempt to take my kids. I would hold my wife’s coat and watch the fun.

    I must say that Sarah Palin’s response to the original piece made me laugh: “If all kids are ‘ours’ can we take ‘your’ kids hunting?”

  4. Pingback: theCL Report: So You Trust The Government, Eh?

  5. kalashnikat says:

    The short answer is “NO”….you do not have the right to impinge on anyone’s freedom in order to carry our your ill-conceived social experimentation and destroy the lives of families…
    The longer answer is that Melissa is one very sick person whose megalomania and mindless dedication to this “common good” thing is only slightly less dangerous than the Chechen brothers Boston Massacre bomb team…remember that the last few nations to adopt a “for the common good you have no rights” attitude laid millions of their own populations’ lives to waste, deliberately…tens of millions in China and Russia, only slightly less carnage from the Third Reich….Cambodia….several African countries…almost anyplace it’s become national policy sooner or later gets around to wholesale slighter for this screwy “common good.”

    The highest common good is the freedom of the individual to pursue happiness and accumulate property in the process….that’s the harnessing of avarice in the service of innovation and continuous improvement…the real free market.

  6. kalashnikat says:

    “Slaughter”, that should have read….

  7. mikee says:

    When she asks about a ” a right to impinge on individual freedoms” she conflates rights with authority.

    At that point, one can dismiss her as not understanding the concept she is discussing.

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