RNS Quote of the Day: 11/20/12

The last line of this is what got me. And apparently, Lyle at UltiMAK as well.

Note that those on the far Left have the delusion that they are besieged, when in fact they control the state, they control the vast civil service bureaucracies, they control the news and entertainment media that force the rest of us to swim in a sea of agitprop all our lives.

They tell themselves that they want to “speak truth to power,” but in fact they speak power to truth, all day, every day.


From the comments, here.

I’ll be keeping that one in the front of my mind for future use. You might want to do so as well.

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2 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 11/20/12

  1. dfwmtx says:

    “Note that those on the far Left have the delusion that they are besieged, when in fact they control the state, they control the vast civil service bureaucracies, they control the news and entertainment media that force the rest of us to swim in a sea of agitprop all our lives.”

    There are those on the Left who’ll claim this is a Rightist’s delusion of being besieged, and in fact those on the Right control the Media (thru ownership and control of which stories get run, not so much in the public faces of the Media), as well as banking and finance, forcing those on the left to swim in a sea of agitprop all their lives instead of living on the shores of some beautiful sandcastle socialist utopia. How do we respond to those claims?

  2. Phil says:

    If the right were truly in power, according to their claims of what “rightists” do when in power, their agitprop would be treated as criminal heresy, their protests would be met with gun fire, their universities and colleges would be shut down as propaganda centers, and gays, blacks and hispanics would be hunted to extinction.

    This is what the progressive left believe would happen if the libertarian right were to come to power.

    Instead, not only do we have none of those things (thank your deity of choice here) we have a creeping “middle way” government where crony capitalism is king and the hand that is out is always filled, a medical system where your daily decisions are suspected as a crime against the state and local governments full of confidence that depriving you of your civil rights will not be punished.

    The second paragraph is the beginning stages of a leftists utopia.

    People on the libertarian right just want to be left alone. Folks on the progressive left are angry that someone would want to be left alone and are willing to use the force of the state on those on the libertarian right in order to “help” them.

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