
Oh, how I wish I could get me one of these to take to Boomershoot.

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4 Responses to Need

  1. keewee says:

    Sounds like fun, but reminds me of my first experience with a jalapeno pepper. Mr C took my to my first Mexican restaurant some 30 years ago, where I bit into something I had never seen before. Yes, a jalapeno, and dang! it was hot. I don’t think a chocolate coating would have helped any, even back then. I think Mr C still smiles (behind his hand) when he thinks of the trick he pulled on me.

  2. Windy Wilson says:

    Keewee reminded me of an incident with my cousin and his wife about 20 years ago. We were in a Chinese restaurant and I had ordered Kung Pao with the little red chilis, and was nonchalantly eating them with the chicken, peanuts, rice and other ingredients. My cousin’s wife thought they were therefore harmless, picked one up, popped it into her mouth (I wasn’t paying attention or I would have warned her) and shrieked.

  3. Kristopher says:

    Very Russian. Russian Roulette was invented by nobles who were forbidden to duel by the Tzar.

    Instead of taking turns shooting at each other, they would take turns shooting at themselves with a revolver with one round in the chamber. The first one to chicken out loses the duel. If someone dies, they can truthfully state that they were not dueling, and that the dead person committed suicide.

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