Just as you expected

No coherent message: Check

Vagrant style of dress: Check

The latest gadgets from one of America’s largest corporations: Check

Is Occupy Wall Street just one big party for hipsters?

Yes. Yes it is.

Rick Perlstein of the hyper-leftist Crooks & Liars blog

Here’s the secret. Drummmmmroll:

This thing is just a huge, non-stop party.

It’s a lot of other things as well, of course. I’ll talk about those too. But my dominant impression on stepping onto the square after taking a little tour of the Ground Zero site (it’s about two blocks to the West), and walking the four corners of the space, was that this is just like walking into the open door of an apartment where a giant old house party is happening, one so big that you know anyone is invited, where the only qualification is a willingness to feel welcome. Where you can talk to any stranger without feeling awkward—dance with any stranger without feeling awkward, as I did in the scrum in front of the drum circle on the western edge of the park—and maybe even feel yourself part of a conversation that’s been going on for days or weeks, even with someone you’ve just met. I did that with a young college student named Melinda (Belinda?) after Jeffrey Sachs spoke in the designated speaker’s corner by the giant red I-beam sculpture by Mark di Suvero (I just looked it up, and it’s called “Joie de Vivre”—ain’t that grand?), but more on that later. The point now is the party. A party that’s bigger than a party. The only time I’d felt like this before, in fact, was at Barack Obama’s inauguration on the mall. And, of course, in Wisconsin, marching around the State Capitol this spring.

Free food, free music, and (mostly) free drugs. Shit, is there a reason all the 20-somethings in NYC aren’t there?

This single cell cartoon left-wing cartoonist, Tom Tomorrow, claims that the OWS freaks HAVE a coherent message, and that message is “Economic Justice”. Even the dimmest of high school drop outs these days knows that that is code for “We Want Free Money!”, which is why a large number of them support it even if they have no idea WHERE this “free money” is going to come from. They feel entitled and this appears to be a way to get it.

As you’ll notice in that cartoon, the left also feels that their “coherent message” isn’t being spread by the MSM. This is true. The MSM knows that if this message gets out, middle America and middle class America, who already don’t identify with these vagrants who look almost exactly like the violent protesters that came out during the 00’s, will realize that these pukes just want free shit without having to work for it, even if it has to be taken by force from a family of four with a mortgage and two car payments.

The riots showing this to be the truth will happen soon enough. I already didn’t leave the house unarmed before. But thanks to the last two decades of the Global Warming Death Cult brainwashing our schools, I’m easily identifiable as a DINK with an Earthfucking truck and a Gaiastomping Jeep who must be an exploiter of the lower classes to be able to afford my lifestyle.

I regularly feel the urge to walk through the Occupy Seattle protest site lighting up their tents with a flamethrower and calling them all peasants, if for no other reason than the comic relief it would bring to the local evening news. But give it another couple weeks and the SPD will do it for me to stop the Scabies infestation.

This entry was posted in Dare To Be Stupid, Freaks, Mutants, and Morons, The Left is Never Right, Too Stupid to Live. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Just as you expected

  1. AMB says:

    I’m a Seattle dweller as well, and one of my coworkers hit up the protests last night to take pictures and “find out what they’re about.” When he was mentioning this to our team as we were all packing up to head out for the night, one of my other coworkers asked him where the protests were.

    When my protest-bound coworker mentioned that they were mostly on Fifth near the Center, my other coworker asked: “Oh, so kind of near that new homeless encampment?”

    After a few puzzled moments, we realized that the “homeless encampment” that my coworker had seen on his way to work was, in fact, the protest. Turns out “protesting economic injustice” looks a lot like “laying around on sidewalks and pissing in the gutter.”

  2. dfwmtx says:

    THe news featured someone from Occupy Austin complaining “we should have jetpacks by now”.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    People, people, people. You’re supposed to be using the term, “Flea Party” for the “occupy wherever” mobs.

    In Portland, the Lefty fishwrap pretty much TOLD the Mayor to “form an exit strategy”, i.e., put together a plan for running their unwashed asses out of Courthouse Square.

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