Oh, Hell No!

The city government of  Cedar Falls, IA voted almost unanimously to force citizens to place the keys to their commercial properties in a lock box accessible to city government employees.

In the name of “Safety” of course.

Ordinance #2740 ( An unfunded city-wide mandate) was passed with a resounding 6 to 1 vote on Monday night. It demands that citizens of Cedar Falls give the government keys to their commercial properties through universal ‘lock boxes’. The intent of the program is to provide increased safety and protection to personal, private property which include businesses, apartments and some rental houses– which by the way– comes at the expense of furthering wayward erosion of fundamental constitutional rights.

Here is the video of the City Council meeting when it was passed, via Gateway Pundit.

Sorry, I might install the lock-box, but it’d be empty and I’d eat the fine if they ever stopped by to check it.

It’d be more likely that I’d just move my business outside city limits.

This entry was posted in Order of the imperial upraised middle finger., The Government is Not Your Friend. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Oh, Hell No!

  1. Mr Evilwrench says:

    Sure, i’d install it, but every time someone came to inspect it, it would have been broken into, and all the contents, um… stolen, yeah, that’s the ticket! Had to change the locks again, damn. “What, they broke into it again? Damn, gonna have to change those locks another time. Sorry if you guys can’t get in here; we’ll have that worked out pretty soon! Must be terrorists! Get us some of that homeland security money, that’ll fix it all.

    You know, you could play this so hard they’d never get what they think they want, and have to keep paying out the ass for it. Unfortunately, it’s the taxpayers (us) actually paying, but they’ve dragged us so far down the rabbithole it hardly matters anymore.

  2. Laughingdog says:

    I wouldn’t install a lock-box, nor would I eat the fine. The first fine issued would give me standing to sue the hell out of those totalitarian fuckers.

  3. Laughingdog says:

    Actually, on second thought, I might install a box, and put a note in there saying “If you need to get in, you can call my ass” with my number after it.

  4. Andrew says:

    “It is the responsibility of the government to protect people”

    Bull****!! It is the governments responsibility to protect the citizens of the US from foreign invaders. It is MY responsibility to protect myself and my family from criminals and the US government. Hence the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

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