The latest WikiLeaks

Has me rather… eh. Mostly because our government has a habit of making secret so much information that is instead pedestrian or politically damaging, rather than damaging to National Security.

If you make everything secret, then you damage the value of that classification.

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4 Responses to The latest WikiLeaks

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Yes, excessive secrecy is the lifeblood of authoritarianism, but SOME secrecy is required, military operations/communications secrecy and some diplomatic secrecy.

    This twit Assange is merely a Mark One, Mod Zero anarchist, out to tear down not only government excesses, and you and I are wont to do, but ALL government processes. That’s not just my opinion, those are words out of his own mouth.

    Assange is a total megalomaniac, by the standards of anyone’s analysis.

    I know that it would set a bad precedent, but so did Assange, so I am in favor of the USA using the power of the USAF’s Cyber Command against WikiLeaks. I realize that would set off a war of geeks vs. the gummint, but some wars have to be fought.

  2. PromptCritical says:

    Note how a bunch of information directly related national security was leaked and nothing was done.

    Now Wikileaks publishes information that is mostly damaging on a political level and all hell breaks loose including DDOS attacks on the site.

    Seems they broke one of the 2 Commandments of government: “Thou shalt not expose politicians as the asses they are”, and “Thou shalt not fuck with the revenue”.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    One of my bosses once said that he wanted to destroy all the little rubber stamps in our (Legal) office that had “Secret” on them, and he did. He had been an underwater demolition guy in the Navy, in ‘Nam.

    He hated the extent to which everything got stamped “Secret,” and regarded it somewhat like gun safety – *secret* is firstly what happens between your ears.

    The State Department needs to return to being an agency that can keep a secret instead of what it has become, a politically motivated secret-leaker – but that’s to be expected with the people they hired, especially the agenda-driven Left-leaning ones with whom I went to College.

  4. Rivrdog says:

    But, DirtCrashr, as much as we want to end the secrecy of gummint, the UN-NECESSARY secrecy, doing it Assange’s way is absurd. He’s using a nuke to swat a fly, which is just how the gummint would do it, so he’s ONE OF THEM!

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