Amidst the sounds, of violence

Bill Quick has a tale to tell

A couple of nights ago I woke up about two a.m. Took me a second to figure out why I was awake, and then I realized I could hear noises of some sort coming from my back patio, which is directly beneath my bedroom window.

Now this patio is surrounded by a six foot solid wooden fence with a locked gate, so anybody in there hadn’t wandered in by accident. I got up, peeked through the blind, and sure enough, could see a shadowy figure moving around down there. Then something started scraping at the barred gate which covers the sliding glass patio door.


I went back to the bed and returned with my Remington 870 pump shotgun. I carefully raised the blind, then slid the bedroom window open and pumped the shotgun once.

Instantly two figures leaped the back fence. I swear that one of them seemed to go over it from a running start without ever touching it. The other grabbed it with one hand as he vaulted it.

And just that quickly, it was over.

I put the safety back on the shotgun and returned to bed, grinning.

No, nothing was taken. And of course the fierce watchdog snored through the entire episode.

I do think I’ll probably finally get around to nailing up that razor wire this weekend, though.

One more crime halted by a warning of a display of a firearm that’ll never make it into any statistic set.

Hopefully, the crooks didn’t see anything interesting enough to want to come back armed themselves.

And Bill really needs to find a better neighborhood.

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5 Responses to Amidst the sounds, of violence

  1. Chris says:

    Now they know they need to come armed the next time.

    Bad tactics

  2. Kyle says:

    Not accurate. House-breakers will just find a softer target.

  3. Mason@CST says:

    Great story! Thanks for sharing. Like Quick Cal said at GBR, a pump Shotgun is more effective than an auto because that pump is the final and ultimate warning shot.

  4. DirtCrashr says:

    If he didn’t go buy a house in Hunter’s Point, at the nasty corner of GangbangerLand and CrackHookerVille, the need for a shotgun might not arise as frequently, nor might he require razor-wire on the top of his fence or a barred gate covering the sliding glass door. Is he inside a jail or is it all around him? The first Law of Real Estate is Location, Location, Location.

  5. Winmag says:

    There is nothing more reassuring, nor frightining, than the sound of a pump shotgun cycling a round.

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