RNS Quote of the Day: 08/25/10

In regards to MadRock’s post yesterday, there were a couple people who didn’t read The Rules Round These Parts or, if they did, they skipped right over Rule #9a.

Don’t worry fellas, I’m not going to embarrass you by posting your mistakes. But hear this:

While I don’t completely agree with him, what we disagree on wouldn’t fill Thumbilina’s thimble.

I’m more tired of reading people across the rightosphere whining about this topic over the past two weeks than I was reading the leftosphere whine about the BP oil leak in the Gulf on day 110. I don’t even delve into the body of text if the title of a post suggests that it has anything in it about this topic. Hell, sometimes, I just don’t even read the rest of the site.

Here is a quick explanation why: Because I’m tired of reading posts from bloggers who supposedly keep their heads out of their asses wailing and gnashing their teeth about how Mommy and Daddy government aren’t stopping someone from building something that hurts their feelings.

I am especially tired of those posts because the vast majority of them are written by bloggers who write daily about how bad big government is. What kind of bullshit is that? I mean, really, WTF? I guess that some people didn’t notice how stupid certain Tea Partiers looked holding signs demanding big government “Stay Away From My Medicare”.

Do I like what they’re building? No.

Should they be allowed to build it? Unless you can connect them, in one degree, to dead girls/live boys or terrorism, why should the word “allowed” even be in that sentence?

So what if 60% of polled Americans don’t want it built there. I bet you could easily get 75% saying that NYC should let the Greek Orthodox church be rebuilt. But guess what, that church isn’t going to be rebuilt because government isn’t friendly. Nor does it rule by polls. Thankfully. Nor should it.

Which brings us to our QotD

Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).

Ayn Rand

She’s right and you know it. So tough shit, tough guy. Man up, get your emotions under control, and put your brain back in gear. Getting all distraught over Cordoba House is a waste of your time.

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