I want something like this

Subaru is bribing the owners of their vehicles for free advertising. It is called the Subaru Badge of Ownership program.

Essentially, you show them how many Subarus you have owned over the years and they will give you a round badge with that number in it which you can affix to the side of your current Subaru. They also have a dozen “Lifestyle Icons” which also affix to the side of your car and are shaped to affix next to the number badge.


Why can’t Ford do something like this? I’ve owned four F-Series trucks over the years and would not have a single qualm in advertising for them. I’d consider it rewarding their good behavior. Hell, if Toyota were to do this I’d have to hope they were thoughtful enough to make double-digit number badges.


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6 Responses to I want something like this

  1. Rivrdog says:

    It could work in reverse, too. If you have a lemon, you could get a badge for it saying “My Last Chevy” or somesuch.

    The “lifestyle icons” are just stupid. That’s what bumper stickers are for, if your ego is so fragile it needs that sort of boost.

  2. Why can”t Ford do something like that? Because Ford sucks, and Subaru is awesome!


  3. Phil says:

    You better pump yer brakes there, Mad Rock, them trucks are national treasures.


  4. Reason you don’t see a Ford badge is because you usually buy one every 20 years. I’ve got a 97 that’s still chugging strong. I call it the Earth Fucker senior, Earth Fucker Junior is my new 2010 diesel 350, and Earth Fucker Lite is the Explorer.

    The advertisement is 25 years from now when you still can drive the thing and it still can operate as a working rig. Unlike all the other cars that you constantly replace. Going through multiple vehicles is not a badge of honor. It’s a sign that somethings wrong. It should last at least 15 years. Now Phil I know you have more years than I, so you might have been able to increment that number, but if I have anything higher than 2 because of anything less that a wreck it’s a fail.


  5. Phil says:

    Well, see, right there, you have 3. I’ve only been able to rack up 4 over the last dozen years or so by doing the same thing: owning multiple trucks at once.

    Before that it was a decade of owning a fleet of little Toyos, most of which could fit in the bed of an EarthFucker.

  6. Mollbot says:

    I didn’t know about this, thanks Phil.

    My mom loves her Subaru (and loved her last one before a moron in a Honda ran a red light and totalled it).

    I think I’ll get her a set of these for her birthday.

    And I, too wish that I could display something similar on my Ford pickup. I’ve only “owned” one but I had effective ownership of a 1978 F250 and a 1991 Explorer growing up… that counts, I think.

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