RNS Quote of the Day: 03/11/10

How many times did leftists call GWB a dictator or some synonym of the word?

The collaborative opportunity in Haiti, when you talk about Hugo Chavez, and some of the other people who are demonized [think Castro], and you know, when some of these countries accuse us of an occupation — where I believe this was strictly a humanitarian action by the United States military, and an incredible one – I’m a little sympathetic. Because every day, this elected leader is called a dictator here, and we just accept it! And accept it. And this is mainstream media, who should – truly, there should be a bar by which one goes to prison for these kinds of lies.

Sean Penn

The only bar I can think of is the iron bar I want to whack him on the head with.

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5 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 03/11/10

  1. Toastrider says:

    A friend of mine noted that morons like Penn wank to dictators because they operate under the assumption that when the world changes, they will be the ones in charge.

    It never occurs to them they might be one more peon or flunky. Or dead in a shallow grave because Dear Leader didn’t like something they said or did.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    It also never occurs that the same law keeping those media people out of prison for calling Chavez a dictator is also keeping Penn out of prison for his support of Chavez. As well as keeping Mr. Penn out of prison for all those travesties Hollywood calls “movies”.
    1st ammendment fail, Mr. Penn.

  3. Firehand says:

    Hey, you’re forgetting, the 1st doesn’t apply to people saying things he disapproves of.

    Or so he wishes

  4. BadIdeaGuy says:

    I’ve noted before that our media goes out of its way to avoid terms like “strongman” or “dictator” for Hugo Chavez. I guess Jimmah Carter did validate his election!? Chavez has made it pretty uncomfortable for opposition media, so I doubt they call him “dictator”. But when they’re at risk of having their stations nationalized at the drop of a hat, he’s a de facto dictator!?

    In short, Sean Penn is a wearing an asshat.

  5. BadIdeaGuy says:

    BTW, I know Sean Penn doesn’t go anywhere without personal armaments or friends with armaments, but can we add him to the list of “when that day comes”….

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