Your Property / You’re Property

As we’ve been warning the left since day one, once the government is given control over something, they consider it theirs.

Case in point, the UK Royal Society for Public Health has issued what they themselves are calling a Public Health Manifesto

  1. A minimum price of 50p per unit of alcohol sold
  2. No junk food advertising in pre-watershed television
  3. Ban smoking in cars with children
  4. Chlamydia screening for university and college freshers
  5. 20 mph limit in built up areas
  6. A dedicated school nurse for every secondary school
  7. 25% increase in cycle lanes and cycle racks by 2015
  8. Compulsory and standardised front-of-pack labelling for all pre-packaged food
  9. Olympic legacy to include commitment to expand and upgrade school sports facilities and playing fields across the UK
  10. Introduce presumed consent for organ donation
  11. Free school meals for all children under 16
  12. Stop the use of transfats

Make sure you read that whole list. Especially #10.

“We’ve paid to keep your body functioning for as long as possible. After you’re done with it, it is ours.”

I’ve got nothing against organ donation. Giving my body up for science when I’m done with it myself (and then they can pay to burn it).

But not everyone is as liberal about their carcass as I am with mine.

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2 Responses to Your Property / You’re Property

  1. Rivrdog says:

    What this means is that the majority of englishmen will live off of black markets. They’ve probably already drawn the line to the point at which they’ll resist.

    In this nation, our leftoids are at least savvy enough to know that sudden leaps to leftishness will be resisted from the start.

  2. Firehand says:

    I think it was some of Larry Niven’s books in which, since the government needed more organs for transplants, the list of crimes with a death penalty was lengthened with the to-be-deceased going to the organ banks.

    Sounds like somebody over there read them and thought it a good idea.

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