RNS Quotes of the Day: 01/06/10

One thing leads to another


Of course there was “no single piece of intelligence” that spelled it out. You have to put the pieces together, genius.

Anyway, we’re not talking about a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle here.

This was more like one of those children’s puzzles with four giant pieces that have to be laid out of the floor, and each piece gives you a pretty good idea of what you’re looking at.

Charles Hurt

Followed by she who linked to it

Really, do the Obami imagine that they bear no responsibility unless they get a note with the date, time, and place of the next attack, or that they only need to catch 75 percent of the plots? I suppose they can try to convince us of that, but there must be some voice of sanity cautioning against this nonsense. Right?

The Obama spinners who have descended on radio- and cable-news shows seem conflicted. They dare not defend the president’s shabby handling of the incident. The more candid of them concede he is “struggling to find the right tone,” but they plead that he’s really being treated oh so unfairly by all of these second-guessers and partisans who insist on finding out what went wrong. So the Obama supporters retreat to Napolitano-like talking points: no system is perfect, we are doing everything we can, and we have to learn to live with the inevitability of one of these bombers succeeding.

Jennifer Rubin

To which I can only add,

And in their next breath they say “But we’ll do so much better with your healthcare!”

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One Response to RNS Quotes of the Day: 01/06/10

  1. BadIdeaGuy says:

    I don’t understand why it hasn’t caught on that an Obama advisor (John Brennan) close enough to him to defend him on Sunday news shows was ‘briefed’ on underwear bombers by the Saudis in October and did nothing effective to stop it. This not to mention his dad, his presence on the UK’s no fly list, no passport, one way ticket, etc.

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