RNS Quote of the Day: 01/05/10

I didn’t think I would ever quote this guy again. But he actually said something I don’t feel like mocking him for.

We have a government that cannot balance its books, defend its borders or win its wars. And what is it now doing? Drafting another entitlement program as we are informed that the Social Security and Medicare trust funds have unfunded liabilities in the trillions.

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the question is not whether we will preside over the creation of a New World Order, but whether America’s decline is irreversible.

Patrick Buchanan

Oh, it’s reversable. But only in two ways.

The first is knocking it down to start over again.

The second could take place in next year’s election.

Sebastian at SiH points out that the census is set to begin soon.Washington State is set to gain a new seat in the US House of Representatives. Likewise with Utah. Texas will very likely be getting at least three new seats (though some say four). Sebastian also says that Pennsylvania will be losing one.

The Dems won’t stand for a net gain of zero new blue state seats and a net gain of four or five red state seats and will gerrymander the whowhatsits out of these results if given even half a chance. Without a decent showing in November 2010 (and in Massachusetts three weeks from today) the Democratic Party will get to decide the borders for those new congressional districts.

As an example, even though the growth hasn’t been in Seattle proper, if the Dems are in complete control of Congress in 2011, I can guarantee you they’re going to justify squeezing a goodly portion of the new district into the city limits in an attempt to make another guaranteed (D) seat out of it. However, if we can get some decent numbers in the House, we can possibly put it where it belongs. Either one involves pulling part of the 8th CD off and combining it with the part of the 1st CD or the 9th CD to make the new 10th CD. During the housing boom both of these areas absorbed tens of thousands of new families leaving Seattle for better housing prices and more livable space.

The 8th is currently held by Republican, Dave Reichert, he beat ultra-liberal talk show host, Dave Ross, for the seat in 2004 and held onto it through two more elections against the hyper-progressive, Darcy Burner. By grabbing a little bit off one end or the other of the 8th CD and comining it with a grab out of one of the other adjoining districts, where the growth actually happened, the people will be accurately represented and Reichertwill keep his seat.

The new district will be very competitive for either party for the foreseeable future, which is how it should be.
The fed is even spending an extra $13Billion to “educate the children” on how important the census is.

If it is that important to them, it should be deathly important to you.

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2 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 01/05/10

  1. Heartless Libertarian says:

    Phil, there’s one problem with what you’re saying: Congress doesn’t have any control over the drawing of Congressional district boundaries. That’s done by the states, and the method varies by state. What control the Feds have comes from doing the actual counting – which is why Rahm and crew want to pull control of the census under direct White House control.

    I’m not sure how WA does their redistricting, but I’d guess it means that you need to ensure that the Dems lose control in Olympia. I highly doubt that the Dems will have any control over the districting in Texas or Utah.

    Oh, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the Oly Dems worked to wedge a chunk of Seattle into Dave Reichert’s district.

  2. Kyle says:

    Yep yep yep.

    Face it, we’re finished, but a phoenix will rise from our ashes.

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