RNS Quote of the Day: 12/02/09

The Left mocked him for saying it, but this is truer than they will ever admit.

I’m going to loop this back around once more to Christopher John Monfort. Like Clemmons and many African-Americans, Monfort was weaned in a culture that not only demeans law and order, but which actively glorifies violence against it in popular music and other entertainment.

Folks want to ignore the truth because they want to avoid being called racists, but the simple fact of the matter is that much of African-American culture ranges between distrust of the police and outright hostility, and that hostility has exploded into violence that has left sixpolice officers in this area alone gunned down in less than a month, with only one of those six escaping the coroner’s attention.

Confederate Yankee

The truth is out there. The leftists just choose to ignore it.

“For Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen.” BOW Martyr Against White Terrorist & Racist Police Regime (Maurice Clemmons) Adorned With Virgins, Jewelry & Crowned; “When the Battle is Over, We Shall Wear a Crown.” – Seattle Black Foot Soldiers

I’ll bet dollars to donuts that these are some of the same folks who helped Clemmons in his attempt to flee the state.

While I’m sure that all the RNS readers have their heads screwed on tight enough not to do this, I’m going to post this so y’all will spread the message: This is what is known as “A Bad Idea”.

Officers on the police scanner say that a would-be vigilante flagged down a cop near Cowen Park. The man was carrying a handgun and wearing body armor. He apparently wanted to help flush out the suspect from the park.

Stay in your house. Button down and cover your property line. Attempting to do the police’s job for them can get you shot.

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2 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 12/02/09

  1. Rivrdog says:

    What we’re seeing is nothing less than a resurgence of the black-on-white violence preferred by the Black Panthers of the 60’s, with the possible exception that the Panthers were a Marxist organization, for the most part, and today’s BOW chumps can’t read Marx or any other book.

    Just as we were slow to react to the threat of the Panthers (few but the Oakland PD ever took them on, rifle vs rifle in the streets), we’re going to be slow to react to this threat, and the threat will grow.

    The armed guy you highlight is just a little ahead of his time, that’s all. More of us will be out there if this threat gets out of hand, because it sure as Hell isn’t going to be put down by the Government.

    It’s not helpful to refer to those who oppose the BOW threat as “vigilantes”. The term grew from “Vigilance Committee”, which grew from Committee of Public Safety, which grew from Militia, but now it has an evil connotation to it.

    At some point, we WILL have to take back our neighborhoods, and when we do, we’ll have to go beyond our property lines to do it. The lone man had the right idea at the wrong time, but his heart was in the right place, and when you get down and dirty in the trenches, it’s the guy with his heart in the fight that usually prevails.

  2. Fred says:

    When good men do nothing evil wins. It is a good thing to know most of the LEO’s in your area if you are out and about in a vest and hand carrying. If you do not know the LEO’s you probably would be better off to stay inside. I live in what used to be a small town where everybody knew everybody including all the volunteer FD and LEO’s. But back then there was no crime to speak of. There ain’t no good answer.

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