It’s ready to be fit for a brassiere

All apologies to Judge Juggs, but our worries that the Obama Administration’s Jobs Summit would be a bust have been proven correct.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said her agency will seek to enact an array of 90 rules and regulations next year aimed at giving more power to workers and unions.

Signaling priorities, Ms. Solis said: “We are committed to ensuring that workers are paid a fair wage, have a voice in the workplace, are provided a safe workplace and have a secure retirement.”

Ms. Solis’s agenda will promote rules requiring employers to increase disclosure to workers on how their pay is computed, strengthening affirmative action requirements for federal contractors, and compelling greater disclosure from employers about their dealings with consultants who advise the companies on how to deal with workplace unions or unionization attempts.

Ahh, their plan is give more power to unions (those organizations that have been costing Americans jobs for decades) in the hopes that they will create jobs?

Oh wait, unions don’t create jobs, businesses do.

And because of that fact, they’re also going to give a large sum of unmarked bills out of the “leftover” TARP money to the unions?

It truly is Bizzarro World.

I cannot find a single article in the news containing a single word from Secretary Solis about any policy or idea they are going to push that will actually create a single job. Just more requirements and restrictions on employers.

Expect to have double digit unemployment as the norm for a while folks.

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One Response to It’s ready to be fit for a brassiere

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Just how is this different from O giving General Motors to the UAW? Or millions to ACORN?

    Just how is ACORN different than the operation of Mayor Dick Daley’s regime in Chicago?

    Just how is Mayor Dick Daley’s regime different from that of Al Capone?

    Gentlemen and ladies, what we have here is a demonstrated robber-baron government. When are we going to rise up and dump it?

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