Have any cheese to spare?

These two guys will bring the whine.

First, Erik Schelzig at the AP is a gun bigot who doesn’t like you exercising your civil rights

NRA Quietly Winning Battles for Looser Gun Laws

It’s been the year of the gun in Tennessee. In a flurry of legislative action, handgun owners won the right to take their weapons onto sports fields and playgrounds and, at least briefly, into bars.

A change in leadership at the state Capitol helped open the doors to the gun-related bills and put Tennessee at the forefront of a largely unnoticed trend: In much of the country, it is getting easier to carry guns.

A nationwide review by The Associated Press found that over the last two years, 24 states, mostly in the South and West, have passed 47 new laws loosening gun restrictions.

Among other things, legislatures have allowed firearms to be carried in cars, made it illegal to ask job candidates whether they own a gun, and expanded agreements that make permits to carry handguns in one state valid in another.

The trend is attributed in large part to a push by the National Rifle Association. The NRA, which for years has blocked attempts in Washington to tighten firearms laws, has ramped up its efforts at the state level to chip away at gun restrictions.

And to Schelzig, those are all “bad things”.

I’d insert a homily on the topic of registering and restricting “journalist’s” 1st Amendment rights similar to what he’d have done to firearms owners, but I hate sounding like a broken record.

Next up, Cenk Uygur (of the leftist radio show “The Young Turks”), gets his panties in a bunch over people’s belief that ACORN helped Obama become President.

A new poll by Public Policy Polling shows that 52% of Republicans believe that Obama did not really win the 2008 election. You think that’s absurd, get a load of why — ACORN stole it for him. Yes, a majority of Republicans in the country believe ACORN flat out stole the election for Obama. Only 27% of Republicans believe Obama won the election legitimately. 27%.

Those are stunning numbers. There is not one shred of evidence that ACORN “stole” one vote for Obama in the 2008 election. Do you know how many it would have needed to “steal” to swing the election from Obama to McCain? 9.5 million.

But it’s not just Republicans. 26% of Americans believe that ACORN stole the 2008 election. Only 62% of the country believes Obama was legitimately elected. That’s mental.

He describes said beliefs as “A gross failure of the media” because some of then dared to report on the one or more of the ACORN stories.

I’d like to believe that, in fairness, he would also consider it mental that a over 1/3 of the American citizenry believed that Bush was “Selected, Not Elected”?

But of course he doesn’t. As a semi-regular listener to his radio show when it was on Air America, I heard him repeatedly claim that as what he believes.

He would probably consider the “Selected” meme A Gross Sucess of the Media

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