He can’t be serious

Sadly though, he probably is.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

Promotion of the general welfare on the subject of health insurance would include tax relief for folks who pay for their own insurance or tort reform or the dropping of restrictions on where incurance companies could sell their plans.

Taxing from Peter to pay for Paul’s hemmoroid surgury does nothing positive to Peter’s “welfare”, simply because either Peter works and gets taxed on his health insurance or because he makes $250K or more per year.

I think that before I can believe Hoyer’s excuses as to why that clause is valid, I’d have to have him explain why he is only willing to promote Paul as the one of the pair counted among the “general” populace by their policy and why they’re only “promoting” Paul’s “welfare”?

I’m sure the sound I hear now that I am done typing this will be the same answer I’d get if someone like Hoyer was in the room.

Found via Some Poor Schmuck.

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2 Responses to He can’t be serious

  1. A Texan says:

    I sincerely wonder what kind of drug this ‘hole is on…wait, I know: Power.

    You say you can force me to buy something? That necessarily has NO limitation. Which, in turn, necessarily means that I can’t buy other things that I choose to buy with my money. Which, in turn, necessarily means that my money isn’t really my own. Which necessarily means that there’s no such thing as private property. To which I proudly respond, FUSH.

    You know, the citizens of the old USSR had a saying: “They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.” That’s going to happen here pretty soon if that kind of attitude continues…that, and lots more purchases of rope, tar, feathers, copper-jacketed lead and tubular steel, all with what little money SH and his statist comrades don’t manage to take away (or let their corrupt Wall Street sugar daddies rob from us).

    Big, big troubles coming if this continues. BIG troubles, of the kind that Oberfuehrer Hoyer and his ilk cannot imagine. Not a threat, btw, just an observation.

  2. emdfl says:

    Yeah, I can see a lot of forced-pill-taking coming down the pike.

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