RNS Quote of the Day: 08/21/09

I speak of local hatemonger, David Neiwert, who, unlike the MSM, took the time to figure out that the “Obama w/a toothbrush mustache” posters are from the LaRouche cultists and that the lady babbling about T4 to Barney Frank that gave the media such a laugh was quite possibly insane.

However, this line earned him today’s spot in the QotD

Bill O’Reilly did an interesting thing last night when he reran that footage of Barney Frank castigating that woman carrying an Obama-as-Hitler sign at his town-hall meeting on health care: He completely omitted the fact that the woman who Frank was castigating was in fact a member of the far-right Lyndon Larouche cult.

David Neiwert

I, just like Barney Frank, would like to know on exactly which planet does Neiwert spend most of his time?

The LaRoucheians are “far-right”?

Where, North Korea?

I left that one link of his in the quote so that you can freely visit it yourself. You find yourself at the progressive Political Research Associates site, PublicEye.org. If you click on a link detailing LaRouche’s history you’ll find this post describing his deep associations with the New Left Intellectuals, CIPA, Progressive Labor and the SDS.

Sounds like every right-wing nutjob I’ve ever known!

Or not.

It continues on about his Trotskyist ideas and gets details of his plans on how to start a movement from folks he used to discuss those kinds of idea with. Not so coincidentally, it seems that starting a movement based on Trtskyist ideals is exactly what he did.

Imagine that!

So now I’m just left to wonder if Neiwert’s planet has two moons so he can bark at one and howl at the other?

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2 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 08/21/09

  1. Retardo says:

    Hm, yeah. One fine day in Harvard Square I got into a friendly chat with a Chomskyite who was telling passersby about how Andrew Jackson’s portrait on the $20 bill was secretly conditioning people to accept violence against American Indians. I said “How does it do that if they don’t know what it stands for?” He replied that if they knew what it stood for, they’d reject the conditioning. So it only works if it’s a secret. Clever! He proudly informed me that he was going to learn Arabic and move to Syria, because it was a “free country”.

    Anyhow, point being, the next time I saw that guy was a year later, in downtown Boston, manning a table with some LaRouchians and handing out anti-Dick-Cheney literature.

    Jeez, maybe Barney Frank’s muse was in that very group! Hell, maybe that guy with the Andrew Jackson fetish was Niewert.

  2. Mollbot says:

    That cracks me up… LaRouchies are right-wing like Lenin was right-wing.

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