Nothing from nothing leaves nothing

Ya gotta have something, if you pass health care insurance reform.

Yeah, I guess it doesn’t really fit in with the tune, does it?
So now comes the news that 54% of Americans would rather Congress do nothing, zero, nada, zip, zilch, about health care insurance reform than pass any of the bills currently being floated.

And yet, the 64 members of the House Progressive Caucus, have pledged to not vote for any plan that doesn’t have a government option, are still under the impression that without their approval, nothing will get passed. Her Hate-filled-ness, Jane Hamsher, even did some 3rd grade math over at her FireDogLake blog on the topic.

She left out the Republicans, of course.

If the bill comes out with a ban on canceling coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions, some moderate tort reform on the topic of malpractice suits, and make insurance transportable between states and jobs, then there is no reason for Republicans to not vote for that.

And the Progressive Caucus can go ES&D.

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3 Responses to Nothing from nothing leaves nothing

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    If it did those things it would actually be “reform.” As it currently exists it’s a deformed and mutated socialist monstrosity – a three-eyed fish that stinks.

  2. Fred says:

    Any plan that passes now will morph into the original plan or worse. Before reform is done we need a change in Congress and the pres and reform legislation should be written by small business men. The legislation should be written so that it cannot be twisted by the bureaucrats. Congress would never do this. A pox on all of them.

  3. Rivrdog says:

    I’m with Fred.

    The seniors have spoken, having taken the lead to head off what would have been the first victimization under ObamaCare, their Medicare plans. They nixed it, even as their “spokesgroup”, AARP, went against the wishes of it’s members and supported the Left.

    Between the geezers and the TEA-Party people, the plan is dead in the hustings, but not necessarily in Congress. I’m sure Nancy Peloser has a procedural trick or five up her sleeve to take a symbolic vote, reject the “public option” plan, then put it back in with some trick. The Senate Donks will have a plan without the “Public Option”, but it WILL have enabling language that will make it easy for the secret Conference Committee to put “Public Option” back in to the conference bill which passes out of both Houses.

    When said bill gets to Obama’s desk, it WILL have “Public Option” in it, maybe not taking effect for a few years, but it WILL be there.

    Of course, stopping it will mean throwing these un-representative representatives out next November, or failing that, any time in between with the Un-do and Re-do.

    It’s beginning to look like the best way to end all this leftist nonsense is with a Second Republic, which will revert the Constitution to it’s original form and function. A USA v.2 can be done with a peaceful Constitutional convention, or it can be done the other way. Machs nichts. Prepare to get it done.

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