I’m wondering about “teh maths”

The left is pushing this SurveyUSA commissioned by the MoveOn morons which states that supposedly 77% of those surveyed think it is either “Extremely Important” or “Quite Important” to have a government option in the health care insurance “reform” bills.

The first thing to notice is that they waaay oversampled self-identified Democrats (38% (D), 28% (R) and 31% (I))

Secondly, if you look past the one question they’re happy to point towards you’ll notice that the (R) folks are paying more attention to the debate than the (D) or (I) folks.

Also, when asked about what they think the repercussions will be from instituting a government insurance option (question #3), only 42% believe that it will provide care for all. 46% believe it will limit access to doctors and the remaining 11% aren’t sure what it’ll do.

Likewise, in question six, where a plan supposedly supported by Obama is laid out, which included a huge role for government, they were only able to find a bare 51% to agree with it. 43% said they disagreed with it and the remaining six percent were very likely being attacked by flying pocupines because they couldn’t be bothered to guess an answer to the question.

So 77% supposedly believe that it is important to have a government insurance option, but the plan they are presented with that includes one loses 25% of those people when it is laid out?

Either 154 someones were confused when answering the “importance” question or SurveyUSA flubbed “teh maths”

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