Blasphemy! Blasforyou!


It appears as though, from this USA Today editorial by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, that questioning your betters on the topic of instituting nationalized health care is blasphemy.

Or at least unAmerican.

It doesn’t seem to matter to them, or their fellow Democratic House members, that the CBO took a second look at the bills being run through their committees and found that they would actually cost more than even previously discovered. They would rather ignore these facts and tell you that Congress knows better than the non-partisan accounting office whom they asked to take a second look at the proposals.

To try and derail the will of the people who oppose these “reforms”, some elected representatives are now holding “invite only listening sessions”. There will be no questions taken, even from the hand selected guests, at these gatherings.

They can’t have the Proles questioning their judgement. That would be blasphemy.

Or at least unAmerican.

It would also probably be considered blasphemous to point to this story critical of the UK’s NHS where, when a woman who thought she was having a heart attack and was finally able to see a doctor, was told by the doctor that “her heart was on the other side of her chest”. She was told to take a few Ibuprofin and was sent home.

Where she died of a heart attack shortly thereafter.

Sound reminiscent of any messiahs you’ve heard speak recently? I’m thinking that Pelosi and Hoyer would just call it bad timing?

To counter those blasphemous NHS horror stories, Yglesias deals a card from the bottom of the deck in an attempt to try and trick his readers into believing that a socialized medicine program has made a significant discovery.

The NHS is developing a simple blood test that could save the lives of hundreds of unborn babies who are put at risk when doctors try to establish whether they are developing healthily in the womb, the Guardian has learned.

The test could put an end to the use of invasive procedures such as amniocentesis, which cause some women to miscarry.

I guess he thinks his readers don’t have junior high level reading skills. The NHS is “developing” a test which, as is pointed out to them in the comments by some blasphemer who can comprehend written English

I’m sure NHS will finish the development in 58 years at a cost of $6.2 trillion. Meanwhile, the private sector here in the US will probably have developed a better test 57 years earlier at a cost about 99% less.

I’m sure the NHS is closely guarding the development of this test so that no greedy corporation can steal it from them. For the sake of mankind and all.

While this post will be seen by most on that side of the debate as blasphemous, I’d rather think of it as informational. And to prove that point, here is a site where you can find contact information and links to the personal websites of your elected representatives. There you will find information about upcoming meetings where you can discuss your anti-government-as-religion ideas with them. Washingtonians can use this site to find their Congresscritters.

And remember: The only bad blasphemy is no blasphemy.

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