Two! Two!

Two standards in one!

Two lone nuts goes off within hours of each other, in separate locations and each kill their intended victim.

One victim was a doctor, the other was a soldier.

As of midnight PST, between Americablog, CrooksAndLiars blog, the FireDogLake blog and HorsesAss blog there were 35 posts on the doctor’s murder.

Anyone want to venture a guess on how many posts those four high profile blogs had up about the soldier’s murder?

If you guessed ZERO, you are correct.

Between Olbermann and Maddow, damn near one hour of television was devoted to the doctors murder. Zero minutes were devoted to the soldier.

Right-leaning blogs, right-leaning radio and FOX News were listed as the sole and direct reasons for the doctors murder. Obviously, since no one on the left bothered talking about it, there were no reasons discussed about the soldier’s murder. Olbermann even went so far as to demand that FOX News be “quarantined” from American media so as to not infect the populace.

So, if the people who protested in attorney John Yoo’s driveway turn violent, or someone sexually assaults one of the women on this list of conservative females, or someone who signed Washington’s Referendum 41, which calls for the repeal of the recently expanded Domestic Partnership laws, is attacked because a gay rights group published their name, I’m sure that all of the above mentioned blogs and media will immediately lay blame on themselves and their political cohorts, right?

And before some leftard wanders on into our green, green pastures and tries to imply that I’m a supporter of the murder of Dr. Tiller, let me just say this: Roeder was a felon and was no longer allowed to possess, let alone purchase, a firearm. Which means that someone had to give him the weapon he used to kill Tiller.

If this person is found, and is discovered to have known about sincere hatred of Tiller and of Roeder’s felon status, then the El Dorado Prison should get a pair of injection tables and needle sets ready.

And the same goes for any accomplices to the jailhouse Islamic convert who shot the soldiers in front of the recruitment center.

You see, here at RNS, we believe that only one standard is plenty.

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2 Responses to Two! Two!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    So, Olbermann calls for censorship of Fox News, eh?

    I have a clue for Olbermann: if censorship is to be applied, it should first be applied to bull***t artists like him, because the truth is ALWAYS more important than any of the leftist drivel he spouts.

  2. Sulaco2 says:

    He may have been a “jail house convert” but he went to Yemen to train and was on the FBI watch list at the time he murdered the trooper. Every left winger that used the “Bush is Hitler” mean should be rounded up and moved to preventative detension just like Olbermister said, oh he will be first huh?

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