The Chosen Few

McCain was rightly laughed at when he hoisted the idea of taxing your employer paid health care benefits during the last Presidential election.

That then candidate Obama and the Congressional Dems mocked this idea when McCain brought it up hasn’t stopped them from inserting it into their still growing health care legislation.

Of course, they can’t go demanding that everybody be included under the legislation. They still have so many capaign debts to pay off.

Union members and their families who receive healthcare benefits paid for by their employers would be exempted from a new tax on healthcare under one option being proposed by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mt), according to a report by the Fox Business Channel’s Peter Barnes.

It is no longer hard to find the redistribution of wealth fantasies in the left’s ideas. The have the majority in Congress and believe they have public support for this. They will have support for this right up until the first non-union worker sees his paycheck cut by 10% to cover the new taxes.

Found via the SayAnything blog

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3 Responses to The Chosen Few

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    My brother belongs to a very small union, it’s just the guys who work at the one glass plant – basically they’re owner/operators, the head of the union lives down the street and all the poaperwork gets done in his kitchen or in a “Union Office” at the plant. Everyone pays dues…and I don’t know where all that goes – I believe part goes to the “Greater” union with which they are affiliated while the rest goes to the Pension-Plan – which is what you get when you retire – yes it’s kind-of a Ponzi-Scheme.
    I wonder how hard it is to start and run your own union of one?

  2. Phil says:

    I’ve often thought the same thing, except for gun shop employees. Dues ($20 mo. per employee) would go to a legal defense fund against illegal BATFE manuevers (like what happened to Red’s).

    If the Dems like unions so much, maybe they’d leave them alone. Oppositely though, it’d give them media cred for “being tough on unions”.

    The “International Firearms Retailers Union” IFRU. (Sounds kind of like EFF-U, which is a phrase I like to say to gun grabbers)

  3. Rivrdog says:

    I suspect that if the if the fine print is read, only those unions allied with the AFL-CIO and/or SEIU will get the status to be forgiven their sin of accepting the largess of a health plan.

    This has NOTHING to do with paying for ObamaCare. It is all about forcing employees to unionize, and at that, unionize with the big, corrupt unions.

    The venality and capacity for corruption of the Democratic Party truly knows no bounds…

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