RNS Quote of the Day: 05/07/09

As with yesterday, only more.

Power lust requires guinea pigs, to develop the techniques of inculcating obedience and cannon fodder that will obey the orders. College students fill both roles. Psycho-epistemological flattery is the most potent technique to use on a person with a damaged brain. The Progressive nursery graduate’s last link to rationality – the feeling that there is something wrong with him – is cut-off in college. There is nothing wrong with him, he is told, his is the healthy, natural state, he is merely unable to function in  a “System” that ignores human nature; he is normal, the “System” is abnormal.

The term “System” is left undefined, at first; it may be the educational system, the cultural system, the private family system – anything that a student might blame for his inner misery. This induces a paranoid mood, the feeling that he is an innocent victim persecuted by some dark, mysterious powers – which builds up in him a blind, helpless rage. The theories of determinism – with which he is battered in most of his courses – intensify and justify his mood: if he is miserable, he cannot help it, they tell him, he cannot help anything he feels or does, he is a product of society and society has made a bad job of it. By the time he hears that all his troubles – from poor grades to sexual problems to chronic anxiety – are caused by the political system and that the enemy is capitalism, he accepts it as self-evident.

Ayn Rand – The Comprachicos

Pre-school confuses. Elementary school begins the abuse. Middle schools crush. High school molds the cast. College cuts off the cast and it is seen just where they’ll be most useful.

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4 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 05/07/09

  1. Kyle says:

    “Pre-school confuses. Elementary school begin the abuse. Middle schools crush. High school molds the cast. College cuts off the cast and it is seen just where they’ll be most useful.”

    Uuuuuuugh. This mirrors my experience in the school system exactly.

    I have a son who is just over a year old, and do not see how in the world I can allow these fuckers to break his spirit and mind.

  2. Fjolnirsson says:

    Stop it! My stack of “to read” is far too tall as it is, don’t encourage me. Especially with Rand. Gah!

    Kyle, homeschool. It really isn’t as hard as you might think. There is a lot of information out there, and if you are reading RNS, you’re already on the right track and a step ahead of many parents. Lots of homeschooling blogs and sites to help you, and now is the time to begin. Teach your son, create a strong personality in him now, and he will carry it with him, despite the best efforts of the system to mangle his mind.

  3. BadIdeaGuy says:

    Great quote- I have a 20 month old son and another son due in August, and can relate to Kyle’s comment. I have so much I want to teach the little guys. I’m torn over whether to homeschool, or send them to socializing school and do “homeschoolesque” teaching on the side. Whether intentional or not, my parents wound up doing the latter and I’ve been able to figure stuff out ok (but that was years ago, not with the current curricula).

  4. Kyle says:

    Fjolnirsson – that is my goal – but here is the thing. My wife is an immigrant who speaks English as a second language. She is VERY smart and capable, speaks and writes good English, but is very uncomfortable with the idea of instructing our kids because she doubts her abilities.

    I will be doing research and pushing this direction… trying… crossing fingers.

    Hey, I see you’re in Oregon. Me, too (Clackamas).

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