Porno Euros

Poor kid. I’m sure those blue balls are going to last a long time.

A man who tried to hire a prostitute to take his 14-year-old son’s virginity as a present was spared jail by a court on Friday.

The Polish national took the boy out in his car and allowed him to pick out the prostitute, who was standing at the side of the road in the red-light district of Nottingham.

But the 42-year-old father was arrested because the teenager had chosen an undercover police officer, Nottingham Crown Court heard.

Starting at around the age of thirteen, my dad joked about taking me to one of the local houses of ill repute for my 16th birthday. It never happened (my mother would still have his head mounted on the wall if it had).

I didn’t mind so much.

That was the year we went to Oregon and I got to compete in the State Full-Auto Championships.

Found via the AoSHQ

And this is just sad.

Tax authorities in Germany are poised to claim 50 per cent of the money that a teenage student earned for ‘auctioning’ her virginity because they claim it was ‘tantamount to prostitution’.

Romanian-born Alina Percea, who is a student in Germany, was paid £8,800 in cash for a weekend of sex with the Italian businessman after she auctioned her virginity online.
But tax officials in Berlin regard the 18-year-old’s act as ‘nothing more than prostitution’.

Prostitution is legal in Germany – but it is heavily taxed.

The leftoids are always talking about “keeping government out of the bedroom”, and then in their next breath whining about how we should be more like Europe.

Those two viewpoints are, apparently, not compatible.

Found via the TaxProf Blog

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3 Responses to Porno Euros

  1. Rivrdog says:

    The leftoids aren’t really complaining about keeping the government out of our bedrooms, or anywhere else, for that matter. What the leftoids are complaining about is keeping MORALS out of our bedrooms.

    Of course, the Big Ls are right up there with them.

    The Government, of course, can’t even run a bordello, if you recall…

    I like the system the Thais used (at US military insistence) back during the ‘Nam war. Military doctors required the whores to be inspected for disease, and if one of them turned up dirty during the regular inspections, her number was broadcast on A-farts, along with the news of the day. As a GI, your responsibility was to remember the numbers of the hookers you visited, and go in for treatment if the “lottery” pulled your number. Of course, you could get non-judicial punishment (Article 15, Captain’s Mast) for using up the military’s time and medicine to heal you, so there was a disincentive to get cured. I always thought that was a stupid rule.

  2. J.T. Wenting says:

    If you legalise prostitution, prostitution is a legitimate business and all legitimate businesses have to pay taxes.
    And that’s the situation in Germany (and several other countries).

    IMO there’s nothing wrong with it. Not only does it bring in some income for the government that for once doesn’t come out of my pocket ;), it also helps create a basis where it’s actually possible to act against forced prostitution and human trafficking by allowing vice units to concentrate their activity on a smaller number of targets.

  3. jackal says:

    The leftoids aren’t really complaining about keeping the government out of our bedrooms, or anywhere else, for that matter. What the leftoids are complaining about is keeping MORALS out of our bedrooms.

    Of course, the Big Ls are right up there with them.

    The Government, of course, can’t even run a bordello, if you recall…

    I like the system the Thais used (at US military insistence) back during the ‘Nam war. Military doctors required the whores to be inspected for disease, and if one of them turned up dirty during the regular inspections, her number was broadcast on A-farts, along with the news of the day. As a GI, your responsibility was to remember the numbers of the hookers you visited, and go in for treatment if the “lottery” pulled your number. Of course, you could get non-judicial punishment (Article 15, Captain’s Mast) for using up the military’s time and medicine to heal you, so there was a disincentive to get cured. I always thought that was a stupid rule.

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