T.E.A. Party Win!

I would call yesterday’s gatherings a rousing success, even without (or possibly because of) my abscence.

I say this because I have trudged through the leftosphere swamps and read their reactions to them. I have also listened in on their radio broadcasts and heard the folks calling into those shows.

Guess what? There are a lot of white taxpayers in America. That is about the worst actual fact that they can come up with: That a large number of those protesting yesterday were white. It is a good thing the leftosphere bloggers didn’t look around during those anti-Bush protests during the early stages of the fight in Iraq, because they were soooo integrated, ya know. There were both college students and ex-college students there!

One of the frontpagers over at the C&R blog noticed that this was all they had in the arsenal and decided to prop up a post titled “10 Republican Lies on Tax Day” that included facts not previously know to modern man.

Like that if only 479,000 small business owners are going to be effected by Obama’s tax increases, then the Republicans are lying when they say “people” will be effected. Or that because only 100 family owned farms are going to be destroyed per year by the Death Tax under Obama’s plan, that the Republicans are lying when they say that people will be hurt by said plan.

Or my personal favorite: That when Republicans say that 40% of Americans pay no taxes, even though the topic of the entire discussion was the federal income tax, that Republicans are lying “because every worker pays into Social Security and Medicare”.

Jane Hamsher of FDL even went so far as to work out her own timeline of the T.E.A. Party idea, in contrast to the one from Michelle Malkin. Strangely though, instead of containing just factual statements on the history of it, Hamsher slides in some opinion.

Did you know that if you are the first person in the country to host an anti-Porkulus rally and you are invited to be a call in guest on a local radio station so that you can promote your rally, that you aren’t “grass-roots” because the station is a FOX affiliate and the host is a board member of the Young America’s Foundation? Neither did I?

Glad to know that Jane doesn’t fool herself into believing Code Pink and ANSWER aren’t “grass roots” either.

Speaking of Code Pink and ANSWER, did you notice anything missing from the reports on the over 400 rallies held yesterday?

Yes, there were no arrests or property damage, and the areas where people gathered were clear of litter.

Those darned wingnuts! Always pickin’ up after themselves and not breaking other people’s stuff or starting fistfights! Just who do they think they are!?!

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2 Responses to T.E.A. Party Win!

  1. Kevin S says:

    No “sea” of identical pre-printed signs either. The vast majority of signage I saw was homemade, not promoting a particular .org or another, just reflecting the sentiments of the holders.

  2. Fred says:

    The signs on the courthouse square in Denton TX were awesome. The paper estimates 900-1000 on the square. Polite pleasant folks that cleaned up their litter. A really good turn out. Local tv news basically ignored the tea parties and the small coverage was extremely dismissive. Screw them all.

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