RNS Quote of the Day: 04/01/09

I’ll try to work on this

5. “Jihadi.” The jihad is an internal struggle first, a process of improving one’s spiritual self-discipline and getting closer to God. The lesser jihad is external, validating “just war” when necessary. By calling the groups we are fighting “jihadis,” we confirm their own – and the worldwide Muslim public’s – perception that they are religious. They are not. They are terrorists, hirabists, who consistently violate the most fundamental teachings of the Holy Koran and mainstream Islamic scholars and imams.

Chris Seiple – 10 Terms NOT to use with Muslims

Really, I will.

Just as soon as those “mainstream Islamic scholars” start working on fashioning their weekly sermons into denounciations of the assholes.

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3 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 04/01/09

  1. Gerry N. says:

    I’m really curious as to why it is that we are the ones who are expected to walk on eggs and learn all the little arcanities of Islam. Why aren’t Muslims meeting us half way?

    There was a Muslim family living behind me. I had some discussion with the father about that very concept. He said his Imam told him that good Muslims should not accept the behavior of those in America who act like animals. I asked what that meant. It seems that any of us who do not accept Islam are less than Muslims, animals if you will. I told him as calmly as I could that if he and his Imam thought of me as an animal, they had then relieved me of the responsibliity of civil or even civilised behaviour toward muslims. Further, some animals bite and some have longer, sharper fangs than others. They moved about three weeks later.

    Gerry N.

    Muslims may have some evil ideas, but that one, anyway wasn’t totally stupid. I have come to the conclusion that while many if not most Muslims aren’t really evil, there is no love in them.

    Gerry N.

  2. Mollbot says:

    You are expected to meet their criteria because theirs is the one true way; “tolerance” means they’ll let you live long enough to convert or they’ll treat you as 2nd or 3rd class.

    Pretty simple really, but very un-PC to mention.

  3. Firehand says:

    Yeah, saw that article. We ‘must’ avoid these terms, we ‘must’ this, we ‘must’ that, and the muslims should be free to say and act in any way they want.

    I am effing tired of this crap.

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