Help! Brain Hurts!

And so does my gut from laughing so damn hard.

One of the inmates at the dKos Animal Farm and Petting Zoo dared dissent from the partyline opinion on the topic of the NY Post “shot chimp” cartoon. His basic argument was that the only reason people were seeing said cartoon in the light portrayed by the race-baiting huckster and poverty pimp, Al Shaprton, was because they wanted to and that any honest individual had to admit that they were blowing the thing out of proportion.

I’ve been lurking at the dKos for years and have not seen a kerfuffle that large since the Hillary supporter vs. Obama supporter deathmatches. Comments numbering four figures with probably less than 2% in support of the author. By the end of it, I would predict that most of the lesser animals there had a macro built so that they could single key stroke the word “racist” when they accused the guy of being one.

Now, we all know that the dKos regularly spills cups of stupid on their corner of the internet. In this case, a double trailer tanker truck full of stupid tipped over and caught fire because it ends up the author of that post has the same skin tone as President Obama.


Now, you’d think that would stop the quislings in their tracks.


In the comments section of the followup post, 500 white liberals say he’s just too stupid to see the racism.

You gotta love the loyalty they have to their brainwashers.

OK, you don’t gotta love it, but it sure makes for entertaining reading.

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2 Responses to Help! Brain Hurts!

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Now wait just a darn minute here. A double tanker load of DKos poo tipped over AND CAUGHT FIRE?

    I didn’t know that poo could burn. I thought you had to put it in a paper sack and set it on fire first.

    Hmmm. You don’t have Moulitsas’ home address, do you?

  2. DirtCrashr says:

    They are pathologically invested in “race” – it’s a card without which they cannot begin to play their little game of Fish. Race is the least important and most superficial of all physical traits, generally it’s a sly and unimportant recessive gene that is allowed expression because all the major, dominant ones are blocking each other. It’s a symphony of minor tonal variations a mile wide and a millimeter thick that conveys mere visual stimuli. Why are not people categorized by accent? Long Island would be a whole new species.

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