So yeah

Yesterday was my birthday. I now have 25 years experience at being 12 years old. At least that is how I see it.

I spent it, for the first time in a long time, at work. I’ve been taking my birthday and any connecting weekend days off for well over a decade, but someone beat me to it this year, and it wasn’t so bad.

While working, I was contemplating becoming a Stoic, but decided that The Wife would probably get annoyed rather quickly by that move and it would probably also lead to a deep drop in the RNS hit count. So I guess there’ll be no new resolutions this year.

I did my ritualistic birthday shopping at (they give you a 10% off birthday e-coupon when you sign up for their mailing list). It was slightly mute by a lack of funds due to new homeownership and all, but I think I did rather well anyway.

Today, I’ll be at the rifle range with Carnaby Fudge who, unlike me, will be going to Boomershoot. It’ll be just a general shoot and BS session. I’m hoping I can maybe give him a few pointers as well as see how well he’ll do with my Boomershoot shooting bench.

Tomorrow I will be going down to The Mom’s for my birthday lunch and get to meet a 72yr old friend of hers who wants to talk about getting her first pistol for self-defense.

Never too late, I say.

In the “that’s pretty cool” department, take a looksee at the Lenticular Clouds forming off of our resident volcano, Mt. Rainier. The house we looked at before the one we bought had a spectacular view of the mountain, but it was more expensive, had much less land and needed an entirely new kitchen and a furnace, so we went with value instead of sightseeing.

You all take care of yourselves. Congratulations to CalGuns (The work of Saints, they’re doing down there trying to make the place habitable). I’ll see you later.

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8 Responses to So yeah

  1. David says:

    Happy Birthday, dude! The Mountain God’s puffin’ happy smoke rings at ya from his Mountain Pipe.

  2. Sulaco2 says:

    Lenticular clouds my As*, Its the Mother Ship!!
    Happy Birthday and many more.

  3. Tam says:

    Happy birthday!

  4. Brigid says:

    Happy Birthday! May you share many more with us.

  5. Pete Allen says:

    Good pix. I have seen lenticular clouds before, but a reminder of how beautiful they are is always good. But you aren’t getting older, just better.

    While a few uncivilized tribes put majority at 18: Depending on tribe and at what point in history you might happen to be, adulthood starts at 21, 30, 40, or 60. For many quite civilized people you aren’t even old enough to vote yet! Wait a while and if you are tough enough you will become old enough to vote, anywhere and any time.

    Pete Allen

  6. DirtCrashr says:

    Happy Birthday Phil! You beat me by a day (mine was Saturday), but I think I might be older. 😉 I got myself a Sig P220 for my happy-day charm.

  7. OldeForce says:

    I have shirts older than you are, and can actually get into one of them! Happy birthday anyway, from someone amazed to find himself in his 67th year, as of our birth day.

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