RNS Quote of the Day: 01/27/09

Please stand by. I’m recharging my IQ after reading this.

OK, here we go.

Next, write off anyone who asserts that it’s always better to cut taxes than to increase government spending because taxpayers, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how to spend their money.

Here’s how to think about this argument: it implies that we should shut down the air traffic control system. After all, that system is paid for with fees on air tickets — and surely it would be better to let the flying public keep its money rather than hand it over to government bureaucrats. If that would mean lots of midair collisions, hey, stuff happens.

Paul Krugman

I’ve heard some really bad analogies in my time, but honest to Christ, that one is competing for THE worst ever.

So, because Krugman disagrees with the idea that tax cuts to people who are making money work better than giving money away to people whose best reference is the ass-groove in their couch, thereby implying that I can’t do intelligent things with my own money, like make my house and credit card payments, he has to go and drive down the IQ’s of anyone whose eyes wanders past his drivel?

While Air traffic controllers are government employees, they absolutely aren’t “bureaucrats”. Does this jackass not know the difference? Does he consider Robert Reich a bureaucrat? After all, he takes government funds to teach his blather at UCBerkeley.

So remember that so far this week, at least two of Obama’s favored cohorts have stated, with no mincing of words or splitting of hairs, that anyone who disagrees with the Democrat line to thinking needs to be swiftly discounted, ignored and even ostracized because they are stupid.

And it’s only Tuesday!

Ahh, smell the “Hope”. Or is that “Change”?

For more, swing through this link to see how Krugman calls out fudged numbers, and then uses the same fudge recipe to fudge his own.

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10 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 01/27/09

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Well, is IS post nineteen-eighty four, isn’t it?

    Thought crime IS prosecuted, isn’t it?

    Since we now have all sorts of dot.gov examples of persecuting/prosecuting thought crime, why not just put OUR version of it in the Constitution?

    I propose an Amendment modifying the First. It would make it a crime, in three degrees, according to how much money was at stake, to use provably false statistics to advance any cause involving money.

    As a law, it would have no statute of limitations in it. If, say, Dr. Hansen of NOAA generates a phony claim of anthropogenic global warming using bad data, he remains free UNTIL the first “carbon credit” scheme is bought by a dupe company or nation, then he could be indicted under the Truth in Statistics Amendment.

    With such a law, we could lock up all these fools, and let’s be generous and make it a country-club prison we lock them up in. That way, they could sit around in their rumpled khaki uniforms and tell each other lies for the rest of their sentences.

  2. And guess what? As a professor of economics at Princeton, Krugman teaches the folks who are going to be running things in a few years. I think I’ll go buy some canned goods and .308 today…

  3. My wife had sent me this article yesterday and I spotted the same analogy and pointed out to her that his whole premise kinda falls apart around that.

    If you read the comments, you’ll see that a lot of other people were busy calling him on it as well. Krugman is not an idiot and spoke out a lot against pork in the Bush admin, so I can’t help but think he is being very partisan.

  4. CAshane says:

    “…anyone who disagrees with the Democrat line to thinking needs to be swiftly discounted, ignored and even ostracized because they are stupid.”

    This must be that bipartisanship that Obama talked about during his campaign.

  5. Kristopher says:

    So … he really believes that a busy privately owned airport would not hire its own traffic controllers?

    Exactly what is this idjit’s malfunction?

  6. chrisb says:

    Typical Krugman. His zany leftist economic “truths” are almost invariably wrong. He is probably the most quoted economist when leftards are looking to make a point that is factually lacking.

  7. Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET says:

    My old LCPO from AIMd Lemoore would have given Mr. Krugman a lesson or two in how to check brain before engaging mouth. Senior Chief Jones was a master at finding and weeding out idiocy and bullshit. Mr. Krugman seems to be well equipped with both. But, then again, he does work in an idiot locker.

  8. Joe Huffman says:

    Krugman is going to be on the Microsoft Campus giving a lecture today. I’ll be attending.

    I’ll post something on my blog about it tonight.

  9. Jim Shy Wolf says:

    You really expected something different and real from someone who idolizes a man seated in the oval office?

  10. Pingback: The View From North Central Idaho

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