Possible (or probable) not so random violence

When the opponents to California’s Prop 8 couldn’t shame proponents into shutting up, they resorted to boycotts of donor businesses. When that didn’t work, they showed up to protest in front of those businesses.

And it should have stopped there, but to certain members of the two grooms crowd, this just wasn’t “affirmation” enough. Then got to see them join the realm of the violent.

To which I ask, just how do the creators of these maps believe they will be used?

Radical opponents of Proposition 8, the proposition that democratically amended the California constitution to define marriage as the union of one man with one woman, have used a variety of tools to alter, and then reject, the popular will of Californians. They tried running vile ads that unfairly targeted groups such as Mormons. When that failed, they resorted to violence and brutal assaults.

And now, they’ve crossed the line once again. They have posted maps online that very clearly show the addresses of those who donated money to the Prop 8 cause (supporting traditional marriage), including even small donors who gave $50 or less.

Imagine the outcry if the scene was reversed and the victorious pro-Prop 8 folks had made maps of the donors to the “No on 8” campaign? Do you have little doubt that the CHP would be working with the FBI to find who had made and distributed said maps and that those individuals would be seen in court on national television?

And yet, because of their “minority” status, nothing. And there will probably be more “nothing” after someone’s home is intruded up or threatened.

And I firmly believe that if you did ask the creators of the above mentioned maps just what they think these maps will be used for, they’ll tell you that they hope “No on 8” supporters use them to harass the people living at the homes listed.

Once again we see that if one standard is good, two must be great.

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