Biting Commentary

More violence from the Save the Planet crowd

Going green was a cause she could really sink her teeth into.

The frantic passenger who bit a veteran driver’s arm was upset that his bus wasn’t a hybrid, he said Thursday.

“She came on the bus, and she said she waited more than an hour for a hybrid,” said MTA driver Peter Williams, 42. “I said, ‘I’m not in control of what bus is assigned to me.'”

Williams, a dad of two who is in the Navy Reserves, plans to take a little time off after Wednesday’s bizarre attack on an uptown M104 bus.

The woman, Shelia Bolar, 49, started hollering at Williams soon after she boarded the Broadway bus on the upper West Side.

When her rant was done, she she grabbed his arm.

“Miss, don’t touch me while I’m operating the bus,” Williams warned Bolar.

At W. 79th St., Williams let passengers off and gestured to a dispatcher he called for help.

“That’s when she bit me. … I couldn’t believe it.”

Bolar chomped through a jacket, a sweater and a thick shirt, causing a bruise and swelling but not breaking skin.

“She bit through all that,” said Williams, still shocked.

And then she fled – but cops nabbed her blocks away. Bolar, who faces assault charges was held without bail, pending a psychiatric exam.

See, you do have to be crazy to believe the hype.

Found via Tim Blair

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5 Responses to Biting Commentary

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Yeah, but that is New Yawk Friggin’ City, and there will be great sympathy for her, because the inmates are running the asylum there under Bloomberg.

    Her trial WOULD be interesting, but there won’t be one.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    The driver COULD have had some fun with her, if he had so much as a half-ounce of imagination:

    “Ma’am, this IS a hybrid bus. It’s an experimental model which runs on an antimatter drive. Because it’s such a radical new design, we put a regular diesel engine in the back to hide the antimatter drive, because we don’t want everyone to try to get aboard at once.

    I know you’ll help MTA keep this little secret. By the way, Ma’am, that antimatter is maintained inside of a small Black Hole right under the seat you’re in now….”

  3. DFWMTX says:

    I hoped they checked Ms. Bolar is checked for diseases such as rabies.

  4. BobG says:

    And she’s probably a vegetarian, too…

  5. DirtCrashr says:

    Crazy is standard with the bus-riding crowd. I’ve spent my time on Crazybus with the Crazypeople, and now I’d rather walk than take a bus anywhere.

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