Coming to a town near you

Via the Obamessiah, who probably believes that this is reasonable

Delaware State Police stopped Alvina Vansickle from purchasing a .22-caliber pistol for self-defense because she was too old and a woman, said Superintendent Col. Thomas MacLeish.

The outrage that followed led to the revelation that Delaware State Police had been keeping lists of gun buyers for years; state law requires them to destroy these records after 60 days.Without so much as a traffic ticket, the 81-year-old Lewes resident should have sailed through the mandatory state police background check when she tried to buy a Taurus revolver from Charlie Steele’s Lewes gun shop last August.

Problems started after Steele made the required phone call to state police for approval of the firearms transaction.

An employee in the state police Firearms Transaction Approval Program noticed Vansickle’s age and gender, and brought the sale to an immediate halt.

Because older women never, ever have a need to defend themselves, you see. When predatory sapien scumbags see a little old lady, they automatically deter from their instincts and move on to the next potential victim. The FTAP employee knew of this and decided that she would have no other reason to purchase a firearm.

Remind those that would vote for Obama that anything he “giveth” he can also “taketh away”. And I would gather that since the last Democrat led administration saddled up with the federal NICS (aka: The Stupid Phone Call), a new one would make them this arbitrary.

But this is the even scarier part of the story

Word of the delay rebounded around Delaware’s small-firearms community, eventually making its way to Dave Lawson, a retired state police lieutenant and firearms instructor. Lawson spoke to his former colleague Nefosky about Vansickle’s dilemma, Lawson said.

Lawson said what Nefosky told him revealed there was a much larger problem in the firearms approval unit than keeping a small-caliber revolver out of the hands of an 81-year-old woman.

Lawson said Nefosky told him he searched seven years of firearms transaction records to see if Vansickle had ever bought a gun before.

Some gun owners fear any government agency that tracks gun purchases or keeps lists of who has them. They worry these lists could someday aid in weapons confiscation, fall into the wrong hands and serve as a road map for burglars and thieves, or result in increased scrutiny by law enforcement.

“I was totally drop-jawed,” Lawson said. “I asked him how far back the records went. He didn’t know. He didn’t care. He felt she was possibly a threat because of her age, a threat to herself or her family. That’s what the implication was.

I would guess that a large number of gun owners worry about these lists being abused. And now we have an example showing that they have good reason to do so.

The FTAP employee and Nefosky both deserve to be relieved of their employment, as well as the former heads of the department, at least seven years back. (Found via Target Rich Environment)

Because if this idea becomes reality, which the example below shows is highly likely under an Obama Administration, we’re going to need to have some examples set for future know-it-all busy bodies like the unnamed FTAP employee.

The Outdoor Wire has confirmed from confidential sources that the “transition team” for the Democratic candidate has already begun looking into the current approval system for firearms transactions. It seems the digital recordkeeping approval recently granted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has piqued their curiosity. With a virtual Form 4473 in existence, we should be on the lookout for a new record-keeping initiative that will “simplify” the hassles of off-site digital record storage by allowing FFLs to, say, store the information on secure governmental servers. Of course, the government will never access the information.

I mean really, why wait until your guy actually gets elected to piss off a hundred million Americans? (Found via Uncle)

After all, if you’re so racist that you refuse to vote for Obama, why should they not track all your firearm purchases, right Tbogg?

Perhaps it’s the economy or maybe  it’s Fear of a Barack Planet, but Americans are scooping up guns  by the armload (also seen here) because, come the revolution, wild hordes of white guilt-tripped liberals will begin roaming the countryside looting, plundering, socialisming, tipping over barbeques and kidnapping nubile young white females between the ages of 18 and 24 to be handed over to their Zulu overlords for their rapacious pleasure.Or something like that.

Don’t hit that link without your e-hipwaders and maybe even a Valium.

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2 Responses to Coming to a town near you

  1. Kevin S says:

    Yup, the usual smug leftist crap that infests that part of the web… although I have to admit to chuckling at this line:
    “Finally an adult yells down to the kids in the living room that playtime is over:”

  2. yatalli says:

    I took the plunge and picked up the last Bushmaster in the store. There were still a few of the S&Ws left along with a Wilson -with a huge price tag. They were nearly out of the much-feared large capacity mags as well. Fear? Not so much as a reality check.

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