The most ignorant thing I’ve read all day

Yes, even worse than the topic of the post right below this one.

Jerry Large, Seattle Times Staff Columnist,  opines that the Heller decision came about because five of the Justices think all Americans are John Wayne and that the 2nd Amendment is outdated.

Go ahead and do what you’ve been doing.

That’s what the Supreme Court said in its ruling Thursday on gun rights.

The court knocked down the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns and for the first time said directly the Second Amendment protects individual gun ownership.

Most of the country has been operating under that assumption for the past two centuries anyway.

Aren’t guns part of what makes America America? You wouldn’t throw John Wayne out over a question of linguistics.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

It’s about having a militia to protect the state, but I think five members of the court read it through a haze of gun lore.

Guns are iconic.

The self-sufficient man with a gun is embedded deeply in our national mythology.

We idealize the minuteman, the frontiersman, the cowboy with a six-shooter at his side.

It’s not guns in the closet that make us strong, it’s our adaptability.

America has changed since the first set of amendments to the Constitution were sent to the states for ratification in 1789. We need to look at gun ownership and regulation in a modern context.

Two centuries ago, America was a rural society. Guns were still primitive — shoot and reload. People couldn’t call on a police department, and the country didn’t have much of a military.

There are still circumstances in which a gun might come in handy. But how often and at what cost?

Presumably, Mr. Large would weight the cost of our current state of affairs against a society where firearms are illegal.

Also presumably, Mr. Large hasn’t studied the issue enough to know that violent crime and death rates skyrocket in societies where only the cops and the criminals have firearms.

Either that or he just loves him some human suffering.

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One Response to The most ignorant thing I’ve read all day

  1. Rivrdog says:

    You’re all wrong. Your error started with your assumption that Mr. Large could think. With this screed, he has demonstrated that he can’t think.

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