Losing his religion

According to his press people, the Obamessiah has left the Chicago Trinity United Church (aka: the only church loved by the left).

Of course, those worshipping at the feet of the Obamessiah know this wasn’t a political maneuver

Apparently, Obama’s sense of connectedness to his church community — which seemed likely to be his main reasons for staying with Trinity throughout the entire phony Jeremiah Wright brouhaha — were overwhelmed by the sense of betrayal that Obama seemed to feel in the wake of Wright’s strangely self-serving performance in front of the National Press Club.

I doubt that this was done much for political reasons — after all, we saw that only a limited bloc of voters were much influenced at all by the Big Farking Deal the media made out of Wright. The way it happened suggests this is largely a personal thing for the Obamas, and I’m not sure anyone can blame them.

But there is plenty of blame to go around, particularly within the media for blowing this affair up so wildly out of proportion to its actual meaningfulness in the first goddamned place. It’s doubtful that this rupture would have occurred without it, and it’s now just another vivid example of the poisonous influence of media sharks in our personal lives.

Let us count the contradictions:

Obama loved his church so much that he gave 22 years of his life to it, but it only started to go bad when His Hope-fully-ness left Chicago for DC.

Even though the website where the above quote was posted liked to brag about the number of former-Bush voting churchgoers who were now voting for Obama, the bloc was “limited”.

Which leads them to believe that this wasn’t done for political reasons, but because the Obama Klan were finally moved so much by this “surprising” hatred, even though they were half a nation away, they felt they could not withstand them any longer and finally left the church.

And either way, it was all the media’s fault for letting small town America know what two of the closest people in the Obammessiah’s life, his minister for decades and a priest whom he so loved that he arranged for a quarter of a million of your tax dollars to be earmarked for the guy’s parish, truly believed, but “Mr. Golden Judgment Ability” never saw until he left to be the junior Senator from Illinois.

The left wanted Middle America to see what goes on inside a black church, so that they could finally “understand”.

Well lefties, you held up an example for Middle America to see and they didn’t like it. Now your Chosen Comrade is taking on water and you still point your fingers in the wrong direction.

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