The only way they can get that phrase on the headline

Is by butting the word “Test” in front of it.

They’re against GM plants, but they’ll pay a cool million for GM meat because they can make a fortune from it.

Test tube steak? PeTA wants formula

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants to pay $1 million for fake meat — even if it has caused a “near civil war” within the organization.

The organization said it would announce plans today for the cash prize to the “first person to come up with a method to produce commercially viable quantities of in vitro meat at competitive prices by 2012.”

And please, no “Ingrid Newkirk doing the Tube Snake Boogie” jokes. That is just too frightening a mental picture.

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2 Responses to The only way they can get that phrase on the headline

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Think attrition, dude. If PFTETA wants to waste it’s funding on such a bizzare search, let them. It’s less $$$ that they will have to give to ALF, and less $$$ that they will have to sue legitimate food producers.

  2. Mikee says:

    As I posted on the PETA site, this idea could work just fine. The synthetic meat does not need to be prime rib eye quality, it only has to be about as good as either SPAM or that gravy-covered mystery meat I was fed in High School. Anything better than that and their market niche will be bigger than, say, fake crab meat made from pollock scraps.

    That PETA, a group notorious for using methods that are the antithesis of respect for individual freedom, is now using a long-historied capitalistic, individualistic method (prize money) to do anything, is itself noteworthy.

    I, for one, welcome our future lab-grown-hotdog overlords.

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